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Posts posted by firetruck449

  1. hello, i want to re-skin some cop cars on la mod to Missouri State Highway Patrol ones. could someone show me a tutorial or explain how to do it. Hoppah's tutorials dont explain skinning thanks!!. :)

    oopppsss im talking about em4 :sorrysign:

  2. hello, i want to re-skin some cop cars on la mod to Missouri State Highway Patrol ones. could someone show me a tutorial or explain how to do it. Hoppah's tutorials dont explain skinning thanks!!. :)

  3. And you can download many more high polygon models from the Z-modeler website if you want to. But note they are copyrighted and can only be used for private use (unless you get permission from the creator to use it for other purposes).

    o ok thx!

  4. i am reading hoppahs tutorial on z modeler and it says i need to get a high polygon of the internet. is there a certain site? i have no experience with modding so i don't know what a high polygon is. can it be a real life picture of what vehicle im making??????? i have no clue please help

  5. a blonde and a man were standing by a flag pole, when a maintenance lady walked up. she said can i help you? the man said "they told us to find out the height of this flag pole but we dont have a ladder. so the lady pulled out a screwdriver and layed the flag pole down. she measured it and said "its exactly 12 feet high. the man said thanks and the maintenance lady left and the blonde said

    that idiot they wanted us to find the height of the flag pole she gave us the length!
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