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Posts posted by Griffo567

  1. Can you not double post please so it frees up the topic. That and you agreed not to do so when you made your account (Rule 10): 



    1. I am not sure.

    2. Yes.

    3. Probably a Navara.

    4. Not that I know of.

    5. I am not sure, there are no specific vehicles for them in Kent (They walk or take the buses) but I think they sometimes ride in a GPV with a normal Police Officer :)

  2. Ok I have a few questions

    1. Will there be a monitor like in welfordshire

    2. Will there be icons in the future to help with firefighters and officers

    3. What H.M. Coast guard veichle will there be because in Wales the knob Rock has a small soda 4x4 kinda thing or will it be a like a Nvara

    4. Do Kent have an unmarked/marked 5 series saloon traffic car because South Wales do

    5. Wether this question has been asked before but will there be panda cars without lights for pcsos like 101 calls?

  3. I got kind of angry saying like why do u need so much police! And then he sent the public order vans to HQ I was like wtf. I mean if you don't understand an amazing mod and then put it down because your an ignorant bastard then don't play the mod!

    All I'm saying is that Scottys mod is absaloutely spectacular and TACRfan and if u don't know how to play UK appliances then one don't make a video and two criticise it!

    Great job tho!

    That was a long rant :/

  4. I'm not sure how sorry but it was a private edit I guess? But you probably make your own sirens in a program thing and then import it in to the files?


    Ok thanks guys, also I know that the roads policing units can follow/pursuit and so can the BMW 3 estate area car but will more veichles be able too?

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