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Everything posted by frmesogiou

  1. For multiplayer, edit "\Emergency 5\data\em5\content\em5_unitpool\multiplay\multiplay.json" But I haven't tested that out yet.
  2. Hey all, I was looking for a way to increase more units, because you can't buy more units. Now you can! Simply open: "\Emergency 5\data\em5\gamedata\em5_unitpool\default\startup.json" You can change available units per game type and per map. Tutorial (lines 9-42)Campaign (per mission) (lines 44-392)Freeplay Munich Endless (lines 394-427)Freeplay Munich Challenge (428-461)Freeplay Hamburg Endless (lines 463-496)Freeplay Hamburg Challenge (497-530)Freeplay Berlin Endless (lines 531-564)Freeplay Berlin Challenge (lines 565-598)Freeplay Cologne Endless (lines 599-632)Freeplay Cologne Challenge (lines 633-666)It looks like this: { // Firefighters "RW": "4", // "Rüstwagen" "TLF": "4", // "Tanklöschfahrzeug" "DeKon-P": "1", // "Dekontaminationsfahrzeug" "DLK": "2", // "Drehleiterfahrzeug" "FLB": "0", // "Feuerlöschboot" "TFMB": "0", // "Transportfahrzeug Motorboot" "KF": "1", // "Löschflugzeug-Kommandofahrzeug" "TFD": "1", // "Transportfahrzeug Feuerwehrdrohne" "TFT": "0", // "Transportfahrzeug Taucher" "RW_Historic": "1", // "Historischer Rüstwagen" // Ambulance "NEF": "4", // "Notarzteinsatzfahrzeug" "RTW": "4", // "Rettungstransportwagen" "RHC": "2", // "Rettungshelikopter" "RHF": "1", // "Rettungshundefahrzeug" // Police "STW": "2", // "Streifenwagen" "MTW": "2", // "Mannschaftstransportwagen" "PHC": "2", // "Polizeihelikopter" "SEKHC": "1", // "Sondereinsatz-Helikopter" "TFSEKD": "1", // "Transportfahrzeug SEK-Drohne" "TSEKR": "1", // "Transportfahrzeug SEK-Roboter" // Tech "ASF": "4", // "Abschleppfahrzeug" "EKW": "2", // "Einsatzkraftwagen" "BFZ": "1", // "Bergefahrzeug (Schwerer Kran)" "BHC": "1" // "Bergungshelikopter"}Simply change the values you want
  3. Hey all, There is a .json file in which you can change the priority for each event to occur. If you'd like some events to happen more or less often than others, open "\Emergency 5\data\em5\gamedata\em5_eventdensity\definitions\density_counter_values.json" in Notepad and simply edit the values prior to your preference for each event. Normally it looks like this: { "BurningBuildings": "10", "BurningCars": "7.5", "BurningObjects": "5.0", "Gangsters": "10.0", "InjuredPersons": "5.0", "InfectedPersons": "5.0", "ContaminatedPersons": "5.0", "DeadPersons": "5.0", "DrowningPersons": "5.0", "DamagedCars": "2.5", "DestroyedCars": "2.5", "Bombs": "2.5", "Hostages": "2.5", "DefectiveObjects": "5.0", "AttackingAnimals": "10.0", "MissingPersons": "5.0"}So for example, if you'd like more bomb events, increase the value of "Bombs". Hopefully it's useful to you!
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