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Posts posted by fireengine

  1. I like Manhattan Mod 3.2SD Version a lot but found out a couple things about it. The ambos when then they pick up patients and take them to the hospital the map has no hospital for them to go to and has to return to base and also when I spawned engine 26 I got a LA send to Station script error and when I spawned engine 7 I got another error message and then my game crashed back to desktop. Let me know about these things please Thanks a lot!

  2. I am glad to hear we get a lot of units to choose from. I need to ask a question how many do you think will be there for us to use that will not be in stations but can patrol the city or get parked somewhere on the map to use. Hopefully tomorrow or Tuesday will see this released as long as beta went good. Please let me know about this, Thanks a lot!

  3. I have a couple of questions for you. I would like to know did you build a new custom map from scratch and where did it come from. It looks awesome to play on and looks different than other maps I have seen. Is the mod based on a real city or a fictional one and another question I had is can we play the campaign mode with this mod or will it just be freeplay and challenge mode. One more question to when we load up freeplay will all units appear on map in there stations or will we have to put them in ourselves. Please reply back to me on this subject. Thanks a lot much appreciated and looking so much forward to this being released soon and playing it in game. 

  4. I love the mod a lot you guys did an awesome job. I wanted to know if you was going to be adding a couple stations for the out of area vehicles to go since I have to park them outside of another station area for calls. I saw I think it was going into the next update you guys were doing for the mod. Please let me know about this. Thanks a lot!

  5. I downloaded this Mod and it works very well for me and was able to find it. I have another question for you as well is this version the most recent version of the Mod you have or do you have other versions as well I can download and play. Please reply back to me and let me know about this. Thanks a lot!

  6. I just wanted to know what part of PA was you guys modding I have been in several locations in Pennsylvania including all the way up I-79 to Erie, in downtown Pittsburgh and the suburbs and also places like Johnstown, Altoona, Cresson and Galitizan PA in Blair and Cambria counties. Please let me know about this subject. Thanks a lot!

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