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  1. I will not be releasing many details about this project until before release, although we are looking for interest in this type of 2D game before continuing to graphic development. I've been involved with this forum for a while and thought that many of you would enjoy this. You could compare this to a city development / emergency services 2D video game. The player will have the discretion to start out on a plain map or a city that is pre-built (Rural, Suburban, Urban). The entire city will be editable by the player in-game. The easiest way to explain how it will all be editable is if you've played prison architect, essentially construction will be extremely similar to this with more realistic textures / objects / buildings / pedestrians. We're developing it in an engine that is similar to prison architect although it has noticeable differences. This will be a 2D game, mainly because we have the ability to manipulate the game to ensure that we can provide features, such as construction of city zones among other abilities. Vehicles and buildings will have more detail to ensure that the mod seems realistic compared to other games that are currently out. The largest turnoff in our opinions are unrealistic textures, therefore we will work on making the textures feel "3D". You have the ability to control almost every aspect of the game.although you must keep the economy above a certain threshold. It will be able to play on lower-end computers. We plan on releasing it for free, it's still up to discussion. I'll be posting back in a few months with media and more details. - Welmer
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