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Posts posted by Forensics

  1. Have you read through the instructions?


    It is my intention to try and create an installer for this submod, but until such time we will have to do it the old way.

    Please be patient with me, I will go through the process in very simple terms ... as I do not know your computer skills level ... and besides that is how I like to think.

    So here goes.

    1) Extract the zipped Los Angeles Mod v1.9.3 SG Submod files from the downloaded zip file using winzip or a similar program you will then have a folder titles Los Angeles Mod v1.9.3 SG Submod.

    2) Inside the Los Angeles Mod v1.9.3 SG Submod folder you will find a folder called "Los Angeles Mod v1.9" (this is the important file - it hold sall the changes)

    3) Left click on the folder "Los Angeles Mod v1.9" once only (to select the file), then right click on the folder - you will then see a list of options.

    4) Select the copy option and this will copy the necessary file.

    5) Now close all the folders back to desktop and left click twice on my computer to open. You should now see your hard drive/s and dvd rom etc listed.

    6) Double left click on the hard drive where you installed the game and locate your Emergency 4 or 911 First Responders folder.

    If you are not sure where it was installed or if you let it choose the installation pathway, then it is likely you will find it on your C: (or primary) hard drive in the program files folder

    - then look for either Sixteen Tons or Wizardworks folder (depend on which version of the game you have).

    Once you open that folder you should find either Emergency 4 of 911 First Responders folder.

    7) Left click twice on the Emergency 4/911 First Responders folder and inside you should see a folder named Mods.

    8) Left double click on the mods folder and it will open to display the installed mods.

    Now it is important that you have the "Los Angeles Mod v1.9" with update patch 2 installed to ensure best possible results.

    9) You should see the folder named "Los Angeles Mod v1.9" which means that you have Hoppahs mod installed. and you can proceed with the submod installation.

    10) You now need to left click anywhere in the open "mods" folder, except on top of any of the folders that you see in there. Now right click on the same spot and you will see a list of options.

    11) Selct the paste option and the process will begin to copy the necessary files.

    12) You will see a message that states that you already have a file of the same name do you want to continue - say YES

    13) The writing process will begin and you will see a further message asking if you want to overwrite existing files select the first option which should be COPY AND REPLACE

    - also at the bottom of that message you can tick the box that says DO THE SAME FOR THE OTHER xxx number OF FILES to be copied,

    or else you need to reply to this question for each file - which will take a lot of time and even more patience.

    14) Once this process is completed you should be ready to go.

    15) I do suggest that once this has completed before you close all the folders that you right click on the folder named "Los Angeles Mod v1.9" in the Mods folder

    - select rename, and change the name to Los Angeles Mod v1.9.3 SG Submod (or something similar).

    This will then allow you to install an unaltered version of Hoppah's mod and you may then select from the menu which you wish to load.

    Now you can close down all the folders and start the game - you are good to go.

  2. From the book I'm reading: "The book of heroic failures"

    The least successful weather report.

    "We regret we are unable to give you the weather. We rely on weather reports from the airport, which is closed because of the weather. Whether we are able to give you the weather tomorrow depends on the weather." :P

    The least successful attempt to light a coal fire.

    In 1972 Derek Langborne built a fire and lit it. He then went outside to fill his coal scuttle. When he returned, he observed that, in its enthusiasm to heat the room, one log had rolled out of the grate and set fire to the log box. He picked it up and carried it outside. On his way he brushed against a curtain covering the front door. By the time he returned the curtain and door were both in flames. While telephoning g the fire brigade he noticed the log box, which he had moved, had now set fire to his car. He then put on an overcoat and approached the car with a bucket of water. In the process he tripped over a party-filled petrol can.

    When the fire brigade arrived he was on fire with flamers leaping freely from his overcoat. :P

  3. Due to recent team changes(part of a bigger update soon to come).

    The alpha release date has been changed(sorry guys) to 3th of April.

    On the bright side the Alpha it self, has a chance to grow a bit more.

    So the Alpha will be more fun to play.

    Once again very sorry about the date change.

    That doesn't matter at all, it's not that long 'til April.

    Really looking forward to it. :)

  4. 'Monarch' would be my favorite. :)

    But that's not on the list. There are none on the list that I like and some I've never heard of.

    I have been of so many planes in my life and I have never been on an airline I really like. :(

    I never find flying a particularly enjoyable experience, especially not on long haul flights.

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