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Status Replies posted by martijntjuh

  1. Got a new internet - 20 megabits :P Killed hour to setup router =)

    1. martijntjuh


      thats uhm.... quite slow actually :P (got a 125mb connection)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. helaas hebben we nog een storing, we proberen dit nog te verhelpen, mochten we nog weer streamen word dit meegedeeld via twitter!

    1. martijntjuh


      it's linked to the Kampen mod twitter account... and as this account is Dutch.......

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. tegenwoordig zelf maar tekeningen maken van de voertuigen.

  4. ik werk op dit moment aan een nieuwe sectie op de website: Tutorials. hier ga ik diverse dingen uitleggen voor jullie!

    1. martijntjuh


      vanalles, registreer op de website www.kampen-mod.nl en kijk bij tutorials, er staan er ondertussen al 4 over verlichting!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. Does anyone know how to make the lightbar translucent or see through so you could see the inside of the lightbar if there is one?

    1. martijntjuh


      Add Alpha Layers in the skin.

      also make shure the Clear Cover of the lightbar is made after you created the internal parts as the lowest number has the highest priority.

      of you create the interior afterwards it might happen that it wont be visable.

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