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Posts posted by EM4life

  1. Dyson, I understand you could use some models. I'd like to donate a Seagrave FDNY truck I made a while ago. It is finished, though there may be some things you want to change. I want to dedicate it to your submod and JoyRiderUSA. Please contact me on MSN or through a PM, and we'll work out how I can get this to you.


    Picture is a little old- current model has improvements.

    How come both side have pipes on them? One side should have storage compartments...

  2. Three bugs I found just now... Paramedic stretcher team glitches when picking up bodies (just cant do it), Paramedic engine's occupants run away when asked to "rapid deploy", and game crashes when ever I send a full PD car to the station to unload occupants (when It pulls up, it seems to open the door, but instead, it crashes)

    PS: Auto installer gives me an error message. No big deal, I just manual install. Just thought you should know.

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