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Posts posted by MLDRMB

  1. Complaint: Arson at the port on the LA mod map - explosions and hazardous green stuff everywhere and I cant find the suspectwacko.gif

    For fun when a contamination happens at the port I edited it to where th whole map is contaminated, blame it on the winds lol :P !

    Also I put a new riot in freeplay. Walmart got caught with having emploees pick-pocket all of the customers, and it got on the news :P , so basicly, the WHOLE map riots at Walmart.

  2. No no hunter42, never take the lord's name in vain, it's badness, and yes, perfect image, but was I wearing an Air Force(US) jacket?

    EDIT: I already did that, in GTA SA btw.

  3. Bull S**t is pretty gay... Our troop wasn't gay, we were the under dogs, we never wore our uniforms right, and we always made fun of everyone else, did nothing the Boy Scout way, but everyone made Eagle.

    Edit: Here's another one of my favorites... (Movie, scroll up to see)

    LO freakin' L

  4. I'm replacing the oilrig mission with a national guard one, pics and vids soon to come.

    Sorry for the delay, scripting issues and personal life. BTW it will be done no later than Fri. and the pics and movies might be able to come when the mission is completed, depends on my phone's insert capabilities.


  5. "Bully" has werewolfs and aliens, the asylum has a ton of evidence supporting this theory. My Student Guard (militia) times have also drawn up more evidence, and i believe that the graveyard will hold more. Pictures and videos will soon follow.

  6. Nope, I'll try to find out how to, I think to have one in a car, i think you place him on the map, name it, then place an unwrecked car, then select it, hit properties on the bottom bar, then traits, the check the box driver, then click the space near it, and select your person, this also works with wrecked cars, but your person has to be injured.

  7. Ankle stiff and in pain after a foot pursuit during my vigilate duties in my apartment complex. Fell down a muddy slope full of rocks, twisted my ankle on a tree root ran into car(he threw sand in my eyes)got millions of cuts everywhere! But I got him, he was 15 and had some chewing tobbaco on him, I saw him with it, and I knew the guy, so I came up to him and he ran, as did I.

    My dad's a cop and I help him with his Curtosy Officer stuff with our apartment complex.


  8. No, me and him were tossing a soft stress ball(the was the globe) and it was actidentally tossed to the other side of the road, I was getting up to get it, but he was running to go get it, he got it, but on his way back he got plowed :( , and the driver kept on going, leaving the cat for dead, I got to him, but he was that close enough to death I didn't try any revivation stuff, he died about 10 seconds after the impact. :1046276372_bawling:

    HPD still hasn't found the vehicle used yet.

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