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Posts posted by DylanPong94

  1. Sorry, I tried to look for the logfile but i didn't saw it in my Emergency 4 folder..

    My problem is, everytime i played the multiplayer with my friend, the game closed after few minutes later.. &

    when i'm playing freeplay alone, after few minutes, the game closed by itself too..

    (while another pc in my house doesn't seems have problem with playing the game for hours..)

    [i reinstalled the game few times too, but the same thing keep happens] :1046276128_motz:

  2. HI HI! I'm Dylan, from Malaysia. I'd like to introduce our Emergency Sevices here in Malaysia.

    Our emergency (Fire & Rescue, Police & Ambulance) hotline is 999.

    Let's start from:

    Royal Malaysian Police:

    The Royal Malaysian Police (Abbreviation: RMP; Malay: Polis Diraja Malaysia, PDRM;) is a part of the security forces structure in Malaysia. The force is a centralized organization with responsibilities ranging from traffic control to intelligence gathering.

    In carrying out its responsibilities, the regular RMP is also assisted by a support group comprising of Extra Police Constables, Police Volunteer Reserves, Auxiliary Police, Police Cadets and a civilian service element.

    Malaysian Fire and Rescue Department:

    The Malaysian Fire and Rescue Department (Malay: Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia) or popularly known as Bomba is the fire and rescue services agency in Malaysia. The Malay term 'Bomba' is borrowed from the Portuguese word 'Bombeiros' which carries the same meaning.

    Malaysian Civil Defence Force:

    The Malaysian Civil Defence Force (Malay: Jabatan Pertahanan Awam Malaysia) or popularly known as JPA3 is the civil defence services agency in Malaysia. They also provide emergency ambulance service.


    Ambulances dispatched to respond emergency calls are mainly from local General Hospital.

    Besides local General Hospital, there are few agencies that provide ambulance services too such as:

    St. John Ambulance of Malaysia; E.M.A.S (Emergency Medical Assistance Service)

    Malaysian Red Cresent Society

    Malaysian Civil Defence Force (or popularly known as Rescue 999)

    Some Malaysian Fire and Rescue Department & some local volunteer fire & rescue department have their own ambulances..

    Even the Royal Malaysian Police have their own ambulance too...

    [Will post up some pictures soon] :holdglass:

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