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Posts posted by cletus

  1. we have quints towers and ladders here. all mean something differnt but involve a ladder. tower just has a bucket with water. quint is just a stright stick with water and a ladder is just a ladder with no water or pump. i speed up the speed on my foam tender to get to fires faster. you know more realistick. i also took out hazmat unit in station 2 and put the foam tender in ther. only because there are not many hazmat issues. :schreiben:

  2. that part is easy for the most part..... if you look inthe alterations it tells you how to add things.... im assuming it would be like any other unit that you can add to the station.... im going to try it out to just test my theory. if your confused on how to add it when it comes out i can possibly post the script files you would need

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