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Remy Lebeau

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Everything posted by Remy Lebeau

  1. Have you guys tried it yet? I got it and would rate it 6/10. Its bugged as hell, vehicles collide wih each other all the time and drive over casualties, I mean what's up with that? You can extinguish a fire by connecting a portable hydrant (dont know the Enligh term for that) to a fire hydrant with a supply hose and then connect your attack lines on it. Your attack lines have fog nozzles, which require 100 lbs of pressure to work properly. How can a hydrant give 100 lbs, I do not know! And for up to 3 lines! The missions are very repetitive and managing the station is useless imho. The devs had a good idea but they didnt fully exploit it. There are many clipping issues where your guys will be "inside" the vehicle when you ask them do disembark, you have to move the truck to select the guy "inside" or use the mouse and drag a rectangle around the guy. Here are my suggestions for a mod that would improve the game, imho: - You must connect a supply hose from a hydrant or a water carrier to the pump and then connect your attack line to the pump to extinguish a fire, or you could use the "first rescue" (again I dont know the English term) directly on the pump, using the pump's water tank. - Firefighters should be able to help the medics by carrying the stretcher to the ambulance (1 EMS/Paramedic and 1 FF for a stretcher) - Trucks with empty water tanks should be able to refill on hydrants that are on the map with a supply hose. More ideas will come later
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