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Posts posted by Paul_Zorn

  1. Hi i am creating my own mod, I need a scripter who is very good and would be willing to help. after the mod is complete or close to complete i plan on making a clan out of it if you decide to help i will give you an officer position. I have map done and am working on the vehicles i just need a person who know how to do scripting and has also done mods before so they know what they are doing and can offer sugestions well they are working

  2. Hello I am Paul.

    I am starting up a new clan with the mod name of Capital City. I am making this post to see who would be interested in joining. I also would like to know if there are any modders who are willing to help with the mod creation. Also i am accepting names for the actual clan name if anyone here is willing to help it would be greatly appreciated If you are willing to help you can message me or reply here and if you are a modder that is willing to help you may be able to be an officer in clan.Thank you for reading this post and i will try to get the mod finished ASAP and hopefully after we get to V2 i will release a public version of V1 for all you who would like to play but would not like a clan.

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