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Posts posted by pledge8236

  1. Hey Folks, I am hoping for some assistance. Please can I add at this point that I have searched for similar forum relating to my query but have been unable to find one.

    I have down loaded the above mod, when playing there are a number of vehicles that when the emergency Equipment is active I have white squares appear instead of the lights....I have watched a video on your tube, and this does not appear to have occurred to this persons mod. Is there something i need to add on or amend in order to stop the squares appearing.

    thanks in advance guys.

    :-) pledge

  2. Can I ask and I'm sorry if this has already been asked, however when i go to add the files onto the New York Mod, it tells me I don't have the rights to over ride the existing files, am i doing something wrong? I am sorry if this is a simply fix, I'm sadly not very technically minded. Thanks

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