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Everything posted by AlexVw

  1. I Just started playing after fixing another problem, and I was playing the LA mod in freeplay. Whenever I would go to click the bottom left corner of the screen to dispatch units, etc., it would crash to desktop and I would just have to reopen it. I think because the taskbar is there it wants to go to that for some reason..? Has anyone had this problem before?
  2. FIXED! Windows did it for me! Procedure: Right click em4, troubleshoot compatibility, select your problems and let windows do the work. Thanks for the responses everyone!
  3. I have done that Dyson, but no change. My screen resolution is 1786 x 1004. Here is my cfg that I have modified: <var name="r_xres" value="1786" /> <var name="r_yres" value="1004" /> Let me add that I also have dual monitors. My main is a 32" phillips TV and my second is a 19" vison. I have tried cancelling each of them out to see if it would work with one screen. When I open the game I can see my windows task bar on the bottom, does that mean it is playing in windowed mode? My dxdiag is as follows: OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7600) System Manufacturer: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. System Model: P35-DS3L Bios: Award Modular Bios v6.00PG Processor: IntelĀ® Core2 Duo CPU E7400 @ 2.80 GHz Memory: 4096 MB RAM DirectX version: DirectX 11 Page file: 1808 MB used, 6378 MB available DISPLAY: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 driver version: Current display mode: 1786 x 1004 (32 bit)(60Hz) Hope this helps.
  4. I just reinstalled 911: First Responders from atari.com after direct2drive got rid of it when they switched to gamefly.com. The problem I am having is when I first start the game it opens so the resolution is messed up and I cannot see anything on the main menu. I can only see a quarter of the screen. I have tried resetting the resolution in the em4.cfg file by following someone's instructions here. That doesn't work. I also followed someone elses instructions on resetting the regedit to use the Mod Installer. But, Even before I messed with that, I opened it with the same problem. What can I do!! Thanks!
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