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Everything posted by Bar27262

  1. Hello all, I'm kinda new to this forum (not Emergency 4 however. !) and I saw a mod named Washington DC Emergency or something and noticed it has stolen models and I thought "Damn! I wanted to download this!" and I then thought "Oh, I will just make this mod come to life." without the use of stolen models of course. I will need some help with this mod in general, I have worked on mods before. One of the main person I need is a 3D Modeller (If none comes around, I'll ask MikeyPl and Hoopah (if thats his name) permission to use there car models.) and a painter (I can paint the cars, but I need a creative eye for-say to help me incase I make any errors with the cars decals and etc.) and I'll be original when it comes to this, We'll be using a fresh new map. Set in Washington, D.C. It would have the monuments (Smithsonian, Capitol building, washington monument, etc etc.). It would have 4 missions to begin with (but we will release more every twice month after the mods finish, sorta like DLC.) My ideas on the missions would be for example these listed below. Terror in DC: 4 gunmen are on the prowl near the White-House and you have to stop them quickly as President Obama is riding up near the white-house to enter it. (The solution to this mod, would be deploying Secret Service agents to quickly dispatch the four gun-men. They are lightly armed (pistols, not rifles.) and wouldn't take much to get down with.) Political Crash!: A high-ranking senate member is injured in a car-crash! The situation is life and death, so you must hurry! Marijuana Woes: A illegal demonstration is taking place infront of the White House on the issue of Marijuana! Contain the incident and prevent the president from being harmed. Death House: A earth-quake is taking place on the Mall! There are people severely injured, The number of fatalities are unknown! You must hurry and save there lifes! And so, I would be using this to find out what branches of police DC has and etc. http://policecarwebsite.net/st51.html (I won't be inputting Smithsonian institute police or george washington university police or walther reed medical center police because they are small police forces.) http://policecarwebsite.net/fc/fedcars/gov.html (I'll mostly be focusing on agencies that are in DC and there vehicles.)
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