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Posts posted by TACRfan

  1. mine? I don't have one?


    EDIT: How do I put the New Fan Banner in my Signiture?


    1: click on the link

    2: right click the picture and copy the image url

    3: go to my profile 

    4: edit signature

    5: click the square with the blue and green in it

    6: paste image url


    and then save your changes



    One or the other. Your signature is now too big...


    Could i have the new banner and both of my other pics aswell?

  2. Panic button should be available, in the script available it calls all patrolling vehicles and vehicles on "Standby" mode. There will a few spaces at the hospital, but not many because of the Ambulance Station that will be on the map, this will hold most of the ambulances. The Police station will have a nice amount of Units outside (The amount you would normally find at a bigger Police station), things like PO vans, IRV's, etc. Traffic vehicles will be at the RPU Base. Of course these units can be called in also if you need some extra help.

    Sounds great this mod has the potential to be one of if not the best UK mods out there

  3. I don't know if there is a script out there already but what about a panic button for police, fire and ambulance. You press the panic button icon and every police car that's at the station and every police car that is on stand by will be called to the scene, also will the police station have only 3 parking spaces like the LA mod or will there be more because I allways wanted more spaces

  4. How do I get the v2.0.1 to work? I'm a bit slow when it comes to mods. I also have the beta version

    1:  After opening the downloaded file click Montana mod 2.0.1 and rename the file that is named mods to Montana Mod V2.0.1


    2: Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\sixteen tons entertainment\Emergency 4\Mods


    3: Drag the newly renamed Montana Mod V2.0.1 into the folder


    It should work after that if done correctly :happy:













    Is there a way to make buildings burn for longer but not destroy everything around them, i had a fire at the theatre in the town and by the time i got everyone out of the way the fire was out?

  5. I don't remember who mentioned it, but if anyone wants the version of this mod I created with an added BCFD station, AMR ambulance replacing the Sprinter and a few fixed traffic bugs, various small map edits and alarm boxes (Occasionally they are triggered and it's a false alarm with a box that must be reset), PM me.

    I'm pretty sure you have to get permission from the creators of the mod before you relese that

  6. I wanted to share something I found a few days ago...

    In this picture, emergency services were called to Dover because some immigrants had got stuck in a lorry.


    I noticed that the red Vauxhalls (that were discussed earlier in this topic) had been called to the incident as well as some gray VWs (red boxes). It appears that they are simply officers cars. Anyone know otherwise?

    I also noticed some sort of 'Fire Lorry' in the background with a white trailer (yellow box), I wondered what this is and if it could be used in the mod?

    Keep up the great work!

    TWMCPE  :laugh:



    If only we had awesome police cars like the Kent in America...



    (Don't get me wrong, the police here in Kent do an amazing job... just wish they could have Dodge Chargers and Chevy' Camaros!)

    It's a mobile command post operated by Kent fire and rescue service

  7. I don't know if you would class them as takedown lights as such. I always associated "takedown lights" with front facing scene lights, which the ones on that ambo aren't. They will flash when 999 mode is activated, but as far as I'm aware those front white lights can't be turned on by themselves, so can't act as steady scene lights. This is the case for LAS anyway.


    Another thing to note, that ambo is LAS, and LAS have a different lighting setup to others. For example, a similar vehicle in YAS wouldn't have those white lights flashing at all.


    You will probably need to find SECAmb vehicles to get more accurate light patterns. It may turn out that we've been discussing lights that aren't used anyway!


    Feel free to PM me if you have any questions about any of the ambulance related stuff :)

    i have seen SECAmb lights and they are identical to east of england ambulance service



    Ford Ranger and Ford Focus at a trafic stop


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