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Everything posted by EmergencyP0N-3

  1. Look,I'm still trying to get used to the forums here.So if I accidently post a "wrong topic" on the forms it's my fault. :3
  2. Does someone know how to start laying road and ground textures such as grass? I'm sort of strugling :3
  3. Wait a sec,How do you download the Manhatten mod? I just noticed that right now (looking at the banner right next to the Miami mod)
  4. Hello people, Hopefully Emergency 3 is still "popular" for mod gameplay.I recently have been thinking over a week now if there should be an Northern Virginia mod for EM3. If you know how to make car models,sirens,units,and also map designs,PM me for the pictures and I'll explain it from there. Extra Stuff =================================================================== -Loudoun County Sherrifs Office serves most of Loudoun County -Can somebody be willing to also make a custon map if possible? (if not that's ok) -I'll take pictures of the Fire,EMS,and Police units to give you a look of what it looks like -Might need somebody to make a "Read-me" -make it into a zip. file -add a couple mission -And if this can happen,i'll come in with new ideas
  5. http://www.amazon.com/Emergency-Collection-3-4-Pc/dp/B002OPP23Y/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1344086354&sr=8-3&keywords=Emergency+4 I got Emergency 4 from the Collectors edition.I comes with Emergency 3 (english and or french) and Emergency 4 (english or french).Also there's another one that says it's made by Atari (I have no idea why) but it's the exact same thing. http://www.amazon.com/Atari-40477rst-Responders-911-Download/dp/B0049B2FP4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1344086354&sr=8-1&keywords=Emergency+4 And this one is the EM4 download I do believe so.The only difference it's 911 First Responders (911FR)
  6. When will the Wyoming County Submod be released? If it's released then send me the download link?
  7. I think the only solution I have is,try re-installing the mod and see if it comes back.I have no problems with it :3
  8. Hopefully you don't mind someone who doesn't play multiplayer right? I'm really good offline.If I do join then i'll just "supervise" or help out.
  9. Hey guys, I was just wondering if L.A mod 1.6 still exists right now.The reason I'm asking is because I have no problem with 2.1,It's just that L.A mod 2.1 has limited roads and patroling space.I saw what the 1.6 looked like and it had tons of space to send police, and EMS on patrol.I'm used to seeing the same thing on the "recent" L.A map with the L.A River.
  10. What about a Washington D.C modification? It would be cool to see our Nations Capital in a emergency game
  11. I don't really think there should be a animal control,in my opinion.I simply get a swat marksman and use the AR-103
  12. Emergency 4 and 3 have explosive cars.There's no way to change the scripts without messing up the game itself. sorry :\
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