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Ghost Graphic Designs

European Modding
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Posts posted by Ghost Graphic Designs

  1. I've got a problem with my mod. 

    I've downloaded the expanded freeplaymap v1.4 and put it in my own mod. But when i have a fire, the fire spread rapidly. 

    And if I send to the fire my firetrucks then they explode..

    How can I fix this?

    Set a high fire resistance for your fire trucks in the Traits menu (EM4 Editor). To make the fires spread slower, you must go to your emitters.xml file (correct me if I'm wrong) and set the spread rate to a lower value.


    probaly take off some fire objects

    That will only make the fires spread equaly faster and it will mess with the buildings

  2. Hi. :)


    I've been looking for a script that opens an individual gate, via-animation (and plays a sound). For example, I have 5 gates and the person/control panel has a open and close script for each gate.


    I know that LA Mod has a similar script, but to open all of the gates at once. Can someone help me out with this? ^^


    Thanks in advance.  :holdglass:

  3. Rockport EMS Station 28



    Every vehicle on this station will have the station ID (28) and the individual ID (1, 2, 3, etc.). It'll have three ambulances, one supervisor unit, a ESU (emergency support unit) and an incident response unit. The ESU will transport equipment and breathing apparatus, the IRU will transport 4 EMS paramedics and it will transport 6 victims.


    Enjoy! :)

  4. Some pics taken last weekend...


    INEM BLS Ambulance responding to a call, taken inside the car. [VW Crafter]



    Beato's Volunteer Fire Department - Brush fire truck. [1983 Renault 85 150 TI]



    Beato's Volunteer Fire Department - Some equipment vehicles and ambulances.



    Beato's Volunteer Fire Department - "Rural" fire fighting vehicle. [Mercedes-Benz NG]




    Beato's Volunteer Fire Department - Intensive Care Ambulance (box ambulances are amazingly rare in Portugal / notice the spanish license plate) [Mercedes-Benz Sprinter - Germany style]



    Note: Despite the good vehicles and equipment, Beato's fire station is one of the worst in Portugal. They have no defined place to sleep, no air conditioning and when it rains, everyone gets wet. This is happening because they are using an old palace as a station since their fundation date. The city hall doesn't care about this and the fire fighters are sparing their own money to get better conditions and a new firehouse. Despite the bad conditions, this is the volunteer department that has more calls in Lisbon (RSB Lisboa and INEM handle about 80% of the calls) and they are considered one of the best VFDs in the capital.

  5. Thanks for the feedback!! It means a lot to know that there's still people interested in this modification!


    Today I'll reveal you a little bit of the police vehicles and two of the many entities that will be featured...


    Rockport Police Department

    Traffic BMW Motorbike
    Patrol Impala

    Citizen's Patrol Chevrolet Impala (the old ones from 2003, if I'm not mistaken)
    Retro CVPI
    Patrol Dodge Charger
    2013 Explorer or Chevrolet Suburban Patrol SUV
    Unmarked Ford Taurus
    Traffic CVPI (w/ vector)
    Traffic Dodge Charger (w/ vector)
    Accident Response Vehicle (traffic)
    Supervisor CVPI
    Stealth CVPI (used by SRU and Traffic)
    SRU Unmarked Ford E-Series Raid/Surveillance unit
    SRU Unmarked Ford Excursion Raid unit
    SRU Unmarked Suburban (like the ones in Flashpoint)
    Mobile Command Post
    SRU Bomb Squad Freightliner/International truck
    Bell 412 helicopter
    Bell 206B3 helicopter
    (and more...)


    Rockport Sherrif's Office

    Chevrolet Impala (2006)

    GMC Paddy Wagon

    Ford Excursion/Chevrolet Suburban

    (these will have only blue lights so that they are different from rest of the units, this entity is meant to give the player more variety)


    More police vehicles and entities/organizations will be added. I just want to keep them a secret. You guys like surprises, right? 


    I'll try to bring some pictures later today. :)


    Please note that all of the units are subject to change.

  6. cooltext1437714797.png


    Ladder One



    Rescue One (not from Tech. Rescue Team)




    Ambulance 101




    Ambulance 102




    Rockport EMS - Ambulance 283




    Rockport Police Department - Patrol 425




    Rockport Police Department - K9 Unit




    New designs, new organization, new vehicles...

    • The main fire station will have Ladder 1, Rescue 1, Engine 1, Pump 1, Ambulance 101, Ambulance 102 and Division Chief 1.
    • The secondary fire station will be the Technical Rescue Station, that will have Squad 1 (heavy equipment truck) and Squad 1A (mini-pumper with fire fighting equipment and specialized equipment).
    • The police station will have parking spots for S.R.U. units, patrolcars, a helicopter and traffic division vehicles.
    • An EMS base will also be featured. It'll be located near the hospital and it'll park the EMS Ambulances, Mass-Casualty/Response units, Supervisor vehicles and maybe a personnel carrier.
    • Two Citizen Patrol (police volunteers/auxiliary-like unit) vehicles will be able to park on the police station (or maybe a private house, still don't know). These will have amber lights and their main task will be to control traffic and establish perimeters. They can also respond to less serious calls where the police is needed.
    • OPP and RCMP are featured, but they will be called as a backup. RCMP's ERT will also be featured in the modification.
    • And more...

    I'll keep you guys posted about the features of the modification and things like that. Got a question? Go ahead! I'll answer everything (except for release dates and stuff like that).


    Enjoy the pictures and please leave feedback/suggestions. :)


    A gameplay video will be uploaded on the next days.

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