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Posts posted by festival

  1. It's not static here. I just checked it. Do you have 911:FR and do more people have this problem? I think it's a 911:FR related problem.

    i was given the game with this cover if it helps re:static water.


    Emergency 4 Global Fighters for life

    water is still static after a full uninstall of la and e4, defrag, restart, sweep with ccleaner and reinstall. fine in e4 original.

  2. Doesn't work with Xfire. It doesn't even support the game.

    Ok i wasnt sure as not used it with e4 but handy to know.

    Hmmm I do have it added to Steam and I forgot about it :1046275767_ugly: . I'll give that a whirl and get my girl to get Steam too. Lol maybe I can get her addicted to the game as well lmao. :rolleyes:

    Definately works with steam, my mate and i use it all the time.

  3. Then i don't know the answer, sorry! :1046276372_bawling::machkaputt:

    IF he has photoshop ;)

    When he doesn't he can always ask me or someone else who DOES.

    But a good thing you said it:P :cheers-mate:

    you can do it in mspaint but the gif quality is lower and looks grainy. jpeg is bigger filesize but reasonable, which can be done in mspaint.

  4. if you call back-up maybe police than come that unit that's the closed in the area of the call to you

    that's the same if the fire department this have and the EMS

    (if I be wrong say it to me)

    sorry for my English :blush:


    Yeah it allows you to stage units anywhere on the map ready for callout. Like when they are at the poice station parked up. When officer or fire chief calls for a police car, the closest one attends.

  5. also thought can u add tazer guns to stop agressive criminals the shoot to prongs out and pierce the persons skin shooting dunno voltage of eletricity once arrested they are a doctor or medics to remove the prongs b4 he is take to a station

    I believe it is one of the things many want but is believed to be impossible at the minute.

  6. In case some one may want it , i didnt see it here and searched so take alook and hope it helps someone.






    The links to each other are at the bottom of the page, i just linked to each set of albums as it may be easier.

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