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Posts posted by danny96

  1. i have the chevrolet caprice police and that have same unit folder as crown victoria 1989! If I rename the unit folder of cv1989 and I run game I see only white model with white lightbar! Can you fix that please? I want your caprice police with cv 1989!

  2. Hoppah do you want to add the police garage in new freeplay map to parking LAPD vehicles? Because three parking slots for police vehicles are few :(. Unfortunately, It need new script - send vehicle to police garage. I thing is this good idead :). Police garage can be placed instead of the place for sending vehicles, and sending vehicles can be in garage ;)

  3. Hi, I need a help with multiplayer. I've got original game and patch 1.3 and all servers says: You have different files then server. And when I play with sister it says the same. I have mods and saved games from LA mod and I used the cheat for moneys. Is possible that is a by?

  4. yes i think small SUV and heavy SUV, light van of SWAT is in emergency 3 LA mod 2.1(i think) (in 2.5 is not). And the supervisors of LAPD - I mean that is unnecessary, but can use the things as in winterberg winterberg - calling units to vehicles, encircle and more...

  5. Hoppah, do you to add new vehicles in future? For example - lapd porsche, light suv, hight suv, rand rover, any new SWAT vehicles as light van and SWAT helicoptes and other vehicles as in the need for speed carbon! Or army jeep. If you do this you will best! If you don't like that

    I will not be angry. Thank you for reply

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