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Posts posted by sniper3369

  1. All right my fellow modders and EM4 enthusiasts. I have finished the Federal Protective Services units. They use Nnico’s models and some of C.F.D’s lights. I have permission to put them up but they are just the models and prototypes. If you want to use them in game prior to the release of the Ravenna Ohio submod you are going to have to do some work yourselves. I WILL NOT be writing scripts to incorporate them into any mod until this submod is released. So officially they are “incompatible” with any existing mods.

    Keeping this in mind if you guys would like a download link let me know and I will put it up here.

  2. Oh we have tazers? cool im excited how come I never get the cool stuff....... wait wait don't send it yet let me fix my list first.

    You mean "extras" like this? (watch in 720p)

    please tell us more about cool but useless? or you could always P.M. wait better yet surprise me.

    Sorry im in a weird mood tonight but regardless enjoy the video.

    If everyone plays nice AND I get around to it I may put a download link up. ;) A very special thanks to C.F.D. for the base light patterns and locations.

    :excl: Light patterns are NOT final :excl:

    credits are in the description

  3. Hey all it has been a while since we updated you on anything I am here to let you know the lights are still on. I have finished all the map changes and script tweaks that I was asked to do. There are 3 police stations (City, State, Sherriff) on the map in addition to the 2 fire stations. The police stations all spawn vehicles and personel automatically at the start of the game. I will be sending the files off to Marshall tonight for final approval whenever he gets his computer fixed again. As a little side project I worked on for you guys (especially Dakota) I have painted up the Tahoe, Crown Vic and Charger in the new silver paint scheme (this is NOT the FINAL art work) however, if I get permission from Marshall I will release them as a small package. Take a look :)


    Thanks for bearing with us through the challenges. (there is still some work to do)


  4. Hey guys the mod looks great, is there any way to make a limited water supply on the trucks, so that you have to connect to a hydrant??

    I have been working on trying to figure that out I know that the Winterberg mod did it but I am looking for a new way to write it as I never did understand how to do it in the winterberg mod. I MAKE NO PROMISES but I will keep working on it. Maybe there will be a surprise for you. MAYBE don't get your hopes up.

    That being said if anyone else happens to be reading this and has a script that does this or has more scripting knowledge than I do (most of you likely do) don't be discouraged from sharing.

  5. Hey guys and galls I am working on the map and some scripts for the submod

    Does anyone have anything that they would really like to see that is not completely out of this world? (mostly cosmetic on the map) I have figured out a bit of scripting but I usually just work off of other scripts I have found.

    Also a question, does anyone know how to switch the terrain in game from grass to pavement or vis versa? I looked briefly for a tutorial but admittedly didn't search very hard.

    Thanks for following we are working hard

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