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Posts posted by wgffiremedic

  1. EOC has recently created a "Mutual Aid" tag for our website, this is in hopes of creating more interaction and better relations between EM4 clans and the community. Basically you head on over to our website application page and fill out the small application on the right. (If you do want to become an EOC member fill out the bigger application on the left.) Anyways the small Mutual Aid application on the right IS NOT FOR EOC MEMBERSHIP so for all the clans out there that have a no double clanning policy this will not affect you guys, people that use this small app ARE NOT becoming EOC members. Anyways you fill that app out appropriately and an EOC officer will review it and we will check to see if you are really a part of the clan you say you are, this is open to other clan Officers and Members. Once approved you will be auto tagged with "Mutual Aid" and have access to view, start threads and post in the following 3 forums, "Emergency Services", "Gaming" and "Off Topic". We will be adding more in the future. Our current moderators are the 5 EOC officers, we may add more in the future but not sure yet. We have already had 2 officers from another clan join already, hoping for more. Anyways head on over and check it out if y'all are interested! Hope to see you there!

  2. EOC continues to grow we are currently up to 33 active members and 12 probationary members with new applicants every week!!



    If your up for some hardcore OR relaxed/casual gameplay head on over and check us out!!!


    Just released a brand new (awesome) version of the popular Creekside Mod that y'all know from on here, this version is available to EOC Members only!! So if your interested in playing EM4 with some good friends head on over! Our most basic level of membership is simply keeping active in our forums and an occasional game, if this sounds right for you head on over and check us out!!!





  3. Hey guys, just posting this to try and help out a brother firefighter. He was recently afflicted with a painful and debilitating condition. Joe Coons has spent the last 12 years saving lives and helping others as a Firefighter/Paramedic with Horry County Fire Rescue. Coons has been diagnosed with Parsonage Turner Syndrome and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, debilitating conditions that have left him unable to work and with mind-numbing pain. He spent two weeks in the hospital in July, and now he's stuck at home while doctors say his prognosis is on the hinge. His condition could get better, or the pain could spread.


    His family has accumulated a lot of bills due to travel and medical fees and we are trying to help him out in any way possible. I personally worked with him for a few months at HCFR Station 36, and he is a great guy, awesome Firefighter and Medic. Hate to see this happen to him. If anyone has some spare cash to donate it would be greatly appreciated, or if you could help spread the word and the link I'm placing on this post.


    Thanks Guys!!!



  4. No FD station on the top right side of the map? Sucks having to call an engine/truck from so far away to a fire up there. I've also had the patrol issues with PD cars and ambulances that other people have. Also traffic issues, the traffic lights go green-yellow-red so quick that cars don't have a chance to make it through some of them, some of them no issue though.

  5. EOC is currently up to 25 active members and growing!!! 4 custom mods total that we rotate play on and updates for each coming out often. Daily games, casual or hardcore gaming available. We have also in the last month opened up into a light gaming community, allowing members and others to play other popular PC games together, even if you don't want to play EM4/911 we still allow non-members onto our teamspeak to play other popular PC games. So if your interested in playing EM4 or even just another game with us head on over to our website and contact an officer!!!


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