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  1. Currently I am still learning in the editor. I have been making changes but only for experimentation purposes. Hopefully someday soon I can implement it all into something that will work.
  2. Thanks! I finally learned to reskin successfully last summer. After many times of trial and error one day it just clicked! Good luck learning if I can help you with anything just send me a pm! And to everyone else thank you for the kind words on my topic. I am not going to be posting any new pictures until I make sure I have all of my copyright information in order. I have been thinking about starting over because my stuff is a huge mess. Now that i have learned some stuff maybe I can get something new prepared for release somewhere down the road.
  3. Hey C.F.D. goog. Just asked me the same thing. I did use your stuff but I have no intentions on releasing this I'm just messing around on my own game and wanted to show what I changed. I didnt think i needed the permission just for personal use. The lightbar is nnicos from that post in the mods section! By no means do I want to cause any problems or take credit for whats not mine. I think your lighting is AMAZING and has taught me so much. P.s. I love the Robert dinero pic : ) EDIT: resolved the issue with goog1967 I removed the picture. Sorry bout that!
  4. Thanks everyone for the nice comments! I will hopefully update this topic with some of the other units tonight! Dyson your ff skin was a big help to me and when I get time I would like to change it to my own!
  5. Hello Everyone, This is my first post on this forum. I have followed this forum for several years (since emergency 3) and have played the game since the first one. I love this series and since last year I have practiced up on my modding skills. As of right now I have skinned pretty much all of the units and have changed some of them with different units as you will see in the pictures below. In addition, I have changed the map to a more rural, mountainous, small town that will be set in Wyoming. Suprisingly, freeplay runs pretty effectively, I have managed to learn about spawning, streets, and the basics of an event. I have added new roads and altered some of the events. As of right now I have no intentions of releasing the submod for it is just not ready. I hope that one day it will be ready to be released and I will continue working on it. I just wanted to post some pictures for now to show what I have been working on and too see what everyone thought. I appreciate all of the hardwork that everyone has put into this great game! Without them I would not have learned near as much as I have.
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