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Posts posted by acather96

  1. Not entirely sure what you mean, but I think I the gist of it:

    1) Load the model. In the toolbox, click on Select>>Single, then right click on the truck to select it.

    2) Now click on Polygon mode in the toolbar at the top left, and click on the truck - it should change so each polygon is selectable.

    3) Now select each individual polygon you want to delete using select>>single (hold down ctrl to select multiple ones), and then delete them.

    4) Et voila, export it as a V3o and you're done! :)

  2. Load up your mod in the editor - see that box on the left of the screen. Go to Vehicles>>LAPD>> and find the vehicle(s) in question. Now click on the vehicle's name, and then click the 'Edit'button which appears at the right hand side of the box. Then in the window that loads, select 'Edit Traits', and then change the number of passengers allowed. Simples, I think :)

    If this doesn't work, try going in Windows Explorer to Mod/Units, and then navigate to the vehicle you want to try and fix. Open that in Notepad, and try changing the loadspace value. If this doesn't work or you get stuck, reply/PM me :)

  3. chosse the tab "objects"

    select "vehicle parts doors"

    -> new

    create a new prototype for the door

    then choose the right v3o (modelfile)

    if you want, change the name that is displayed on the objects list.

    always press ok to confirm your selection of course ;)

    to add the door to your vehicle open up the edit menu of the vehicle model abd press "edit doors"

    in the drop down menu on top you can select the correct file you just added and then press "add" to add it to the model.

    to get the right position use the normal navigation functions with mouse and keyboard

    hope i could help again ;)



    Thanks again, you're a great help - I hope to start a thread for my upcoming mod soon :)



  4. 1. if london mod uses a siren script i think the proto of your new vehicle has to be included in this file too. just adding the command ain't enough!

    2. all vehicle parts need to be added to the editor/mod with their iwn prototype. so if you managed to get that vehicle in the game, do the same with the doors/wheels!


    Cheers, I've fixed the siren issue now :) However, I still can't get the door model file to display in the 'Childs' list in the editor - could you please explain how I get it in there?

    Thanks :)


  5. Hey,

    I've been converting vehicles from CCC civvies to squad vehicles, and was wondering if someone could aswner my question:

    1) The siren doesn't sound - I've assigned the correct commands in the editor, but when I click the siren button, it doesn't make a noise (I'm using the London Mod).

    2) I can't get the new door I've created to show up in the editor. How can I do this?

    Thanks in advance :) ,


  6. Just in case anyone comes across this topic whilst searching, thought I'd let them know what I did to rectify the problem:

    1) As far as I can see, there is no easy way to do it - you need to create a new door - though with CCC models, you can kinda cheat :D

    2) Load up the CCC model in Zmodeler, and select Left/Right view, depending on where your door is. Stretch out that view so it fills the whole screen.

    3) Take a screenshot, and edit in an graphics program of your choice (I use Paint.NET) to remove all but the image of the door mesh. Then crop it so the image is wholly and only consiting of the door.

    4) Load up Zmodeler and start a new model - and in the viewport from which you took the screenshot, set the image of the door mesh you created as the background image (if you don't know how to do this, look up introductory tutorials of Zmodeler on the internet).

    5) Now you can, in effect, just 'trace' over the image, replicating the CCC door exactly. Export this as a V3o.

    6) Lastly, load up both the vehicle base model and your new door, scale the door and finally delete the non-functional door of the base model by selecting the individual polygons.

    Et voilĂ  - you're done! Remember that when crediting this model, note that while you created the door, it was based on the original CCC model. Enjoy, and if you have any questions, PM me! :)

  7. okay, i checked it...

    it is a functional way but it costs lots of time to make it look good :P

    i took one of the ccc models, imported it in zmod and exported it again to *.3ds.

    then i opened it up in sketchup copied and removed the door part (made another *.skp file of it) and exported both to *.3ds again

    then another import to zmod and deleting all the meshes that are too much (or attach them all to one)

    re-export as *.v3o and.... viola.... works

    but i bet there's an easier way to do this in zmod too ^^

    Lol yeah, there probably is a slightly less convoluted way to do it. Though thank you very much for trying and using your time to lend a hand - much appreciated. I'll wait a few days to see if any other users have an idea, but if not, then I guess I'll give your method a shot! Thanks again :)

  8. You don't use zmod for prototypes.... that's all in the editor...

    Lol, I know that. I'm trying to ask for help with removing parts of a model which I can then use as a prototype- the CCC vehicles do not have door prototypes as they are simply designed as decorative or civvy traffic units, and I'm trying to convert one for use as an emergency vehicle. Apologies if I'm barking completely up the wrong tree or if my original post wasn't clear enough :)

  9. whhhoooo... that's a tough one!

    i had the same prob with an ambulance from chidea. could make seperate doors with zmodeler.

    hm, anyway, now as i read your post, i might have an idea.

    i'm gonna check first and tell you if it works. if someone knows how to do it. i'd be interested too of course :P


    Thanks mate, much appreciated :)

  10. Hey guys :)

    I'm teaching myself modding skills on EM4, and am now reasonably competent at re-skinning, editor functions, specs, lighting and basic Zmodeler functions. However, at the moment I'm stuck on something - I've download a vehicle from the CCC, and have re-skinned it ready for use in my currently private mod (once permission has been gained it will be made public). However, I'm bemused as how to create prototypes - the wheels were provided, but I just can't fathom how to edit the file in Zmodeler to 'move' the doors into their own seperate prototype file. I was wondering if anyone could help - and explain how it's done :) I've tried selecting the polygons in polygon level, and then using Create >> Copy, but to no avail. As I haven't yet got permission, I can't post the file here, but if you would be willing to do this to you, I will temporarily upload it to a file hosting site and PM you the link.

    Anyone who does this would have my eternal gratitude and respect :D

  11. Does anyone here live in Washington D.C. If you do please message me, you are helping me with a mod.(please, i need a photographer)

    I don't live in DC, but can I suggest that you use Google Streetview to find some photos of buildings/landmarks? It's a great resource for modding :)

  12. Only 3 of the photo's that you've attached are actually from London...

    Good point, but please don't but bump a year old topic :D

    And on a seperate note, if you are the Flickr user with the massive amount of emergency vehicle photos, then well done - I love your pics, they're brilliant :)

  13. Great, just in case anyone else comes across this topic and is wondering the same thing, I'll explain how you do it:

    1) First of all, find you 'Emergency 4' folder, and if you haven't done so already, give yourself full access rights. This will allow you to modify and overwrite files. In Vista, you can do this by right clicking, then selecting the 'Security' tab, selecting 'Users', ticking 'Full Control' and then OK. If you're not using Vista, a quick google search should explain how you can do this on your computer.

    2)Let's use the example above, and say you want to edit the LA UMCV. This is part of the Los Angeles Mod, so navigate to the LA Mod folder. This should be located at: C:\Program Files\sixteen tons entertainment\Emergency 4\Mods\Los Angeles Mod v2.1

    3)Next, follow this path Vehicles>>Police>>120unmarked (for the last folder, it's the vehicle you want to edit. In this case it is 120unmarked because we want to edit the LA UMCV).

    4)Now open the units.xml file in Notepad.

    5)There should a be a variable called 'loadspace value'. Simply change the number in the quotes inline with the number of prisoner cells/patient bays you want their to be. For example, if I wanted to add two prisoner cells to the UMCV, I will change the zero to a number 2.

    6) Make sure to change both loadspace value variables - the units.xml fie has campaign and endless game settings.

    7) Click on save.

    8) And we're done - when you next play EM4, the vehicle should have your specified number of prisoner cells/patient bays!

    Thanks guys, any problems with this tutorial then PM me :)

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