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Posts posted by prmdc

  1. I live in Scotland not far from Glawsgow and their almost bang on if you need help or anything pm me :)

    I didn't want to go for 100%, I like to have a little difference. I also used to live not far from Glesgae... :holdglass:
  2. So, it's been a while since I have messed about with EM4, but I have some new pics to show off, again these are for my personal experience, and they will not be released (got to learn somehow), anyways all credit to the Norway team, I reskinned some of their vehicles (hope you don't mind). These are of a part fictious Scottish theme, and again they won't be for release. I like to think i'm getting a little better... but you guys can be the judge..!


  3. Hi guys,

    need a little help on reskinning. I am using this mod as I like the Scania engine models. I have added battenburg to the cab but am not sure what file is the drivers door? I also don't know how to open it either? If any of this makes sense, I would appreciate any advice


    one other thing, i'm thinking about changing the patrol paths, would it be easier just to delete the originals and then make new ones?

  4. Still can't get the installer to work...aaargh. Can I try anything else? have gone into the "Regedit" and played around with the keys and values, it is also telling me that EM4 is not properly installed...Please reinstall. Well it is installed but I don't have a hard copy to reinstall :( it used to work fine I have a couple of mods already installed, now it's just being plain downright nasty!

    HaHa... I have it working, & what a great Mod, I seem to be working a little harder (no auto debus for the FF's) I love it. Great job

  5. I currently have it my programme files and have tried the regedit route but to no avail! will give the desktop thingy a bash.

    Still can't get the installer to work...aaargh. Can I try anything else? have gone into the "Regedit" and played around with the keys and values, it is also telling me that EM4 is not properly installed...Please reinstall. Well it is installed but I don't have a hard copy to reinstall :( it used to work fine I have a couple of mods already installed, now it's just being plain downright nasty!

  6. try saving it to your desktop then going into mod installer and click on install mod and select the mod from your desktop i have been doing that latly due to me having the same problem

    I currently have it my programme files and have tried the regedit route but to no avail! will give the desktop thingy a bash.

  7. hi again i was wondering can someone please explain to me how to make it where when i can set up a tow truck / utility van hq like the one seen in the london mod where the tow truck go's back to the hqs & disapears i was wanting to fix it where the tow truck & utility van (the thing that fixs red lights) would spawn from a gauage that i put in the game & they return there too how hard would this be & how do i do it

    I did this for my own private alteration of Hoppah's Mod (see pics at the topic "Critique please") I made a TEC base and then just moved the spawn points from where the tec trucks came from and their return point, and just put them inside the new building.

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