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Posts posted by jab16

  1. well when i reskined my ladder truck i did not have that problem i think they are just errors by the computer cause when i reskined the heavy rescue some things are still showing up red. So from my opinion each of our computers interprets the data diffrent.

  2. Hey bama i figured i hould ask you since you already provided a lot of help for me so i wanted to ask you about this.

    i was skinning this and when i started the editor the two back doors and rear door were red any idea what may be causing this. By the way i did this in paint :gut:

  3. post-2914-1237474627_thumb.jpg


    Thank you for helping me out bama hope you like it.The first pic is the Austin travis county ems Ambulance the yellow one ( my first skin )

    Next is the NYPD esu truck which was my second skin.( says esu on top )

    and third is the NYPD suv the white suv ( my third skin ever )

    Note to everyboy: For privite use

  4. sorry i was not clear, I was asking how do you upload them. i know for picures from the internet you need the website but how do you do it for Fraps pictures.I hope i can send these to you soon because i was also able to make two nypd skined units :police:

    PS:do i need to convert the photos mabie that is what i am doing wrong? :sporty:

  5. that is awesome i want to give you kudos on it, it looks awesome. I got more respect for skinners, and modders since i started modding this week. keep it up. ;)

    Ps: Which one of hoppahs models is the hazmat truck looks good with your skins?

    Kind regards,


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