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Status Updates posted by BrodyLongo_16915

  1. This is not a test.This is not a joke.We as a species are overwhelmed.We are outnumbered

    1. Voodoo_Operator



  2. Paranormal activity 3 is coming out tonight? that was quick...

    1. FDNYpower


      i can't wait and that did go by quick

  3. The bread i just ate was sticky. should i be concerned?

    1. FDNYpower


      ummm did it still feel like normal bread or was it harder or feel different?

  4. alright these little 6th graders gotta stop adding people they have only heard of

  5. its the hash slinging slasher!!!!!

  6. I think it is thundering

  7. Rest in Peace David. Shouldn't have been taken so young.

  8. the bean trees really sucks

  9. peanut butter and celery = yum

  10. sittin, listenin to music, hangin out, cant beat these times

  11. done with the chemistry project. will i leave it at home? the answer is most likely

  12. work sucked so bad on so many different levels today

  13. Music + homework = doing homework in peace

  14. completely forgot that i have to work at 11 today

  15. Spanish Current...crap, Study for 3 tests...double crap, all three tests and current event event are for tomorrow...Triple Crap. Tomorrow is Friday...yessssss

  16. playlist.com = one of the best inventions

  17. Sitting at home, bored, with nothing to do....hmu

  18. i am seriousely done with studying for this myth test

  19. To try and get the message across; tomorrow, everyone wear an orange shirt to show our love for karah. the color orange represents good health, energy vitality, and courage

  20. it is very cold in my house!!!!!!!

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