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Status Updates posted by BrodyLongo_16915

  1. Did I really get in my car and leave when I saw a bee in my house? HELL YEAH

  2. I passed my state firefighter exam!!!!!

  3. alright these little 6th graders gotta stop adding people they have only heard of

  4. completely forgot that i have to work at 11 today

  5. my phone is bugging out and I AM PISSED

  6. The bread i just ate was sticky. should i be concerned?

    1. FDNYpower


      ummm did it still feel like normal bread or was it harder or feel different?

  7. Its a jackass all day kind of day

  8. lets hope snow turns people away from mcdonalds

  9. If tears could build a stairway, And memories a lane, I'd walk right up to HeavenAnd bring you home again. Rest in Peace Karah.

  10. Halloween 3 season of the witch is the worst movie ever made

  11. it is very cold in my house!!!!!!!

  12. To try and get the message across; tomorrow, everyone wear an orange shirt to show our love for karah. the color orange represents good health, energy vitality, and courage

  13. i am seriousely done with studying for this myth test

  14. Sitting at home, bored, with nothing to do....hmu

  15. Paranormal activity 3 is coming out tonight? that was quick...

    1. FDNYpower


      i can't wait and that did go by quick

  16. playlist.com = one of the best inventions

  17. Spanish Current...crap, Study for 3 tests...double crap, all three tests and current event event are for tomorrow...Triple Crap. Tomorrow is Friday...yessssss

  18. Music + homework = doing homework in peace

  19. work sucked so bad on so many different levels today

  20. This is not a test.This is not a joke.We as a species are overwhelmed.We are outnumbered

    1. Voodoo_Operator



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