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Everything posted by NathanDollinger

  1. Creek Side 2.1.1 Removed due to copyright issue!!! Unfortunately some can not play by the rules of permission request! Although i fully support modding and growing as a community. However this mod was made following guidelines and requesting permission from others Any releases will be pursued as copyright infringement!
  2. Ruining out of time to figure out how to go about getting my classes finished this year and working.... Next class is in 8 days!!!!!! Ability to find out if ill get the days off ... NOT SO GOOD!

  3. Finished education or work !?!?! which is more important?

    1. Tango


      If you finish your Education, you have the opportunity to get a better job. So, I'd say... Finished Education.

  4. You know that moment where somethings off

  5. My work week is almost over!!!!

  6. Well in 10 days i will be 21, How time flys!

  7. All things come in due time! I wish time would hurry up!

  8. Sitting here tonight finding my self in need of direction.... have been put in a position where I'm going to have to make a change however unsure of what it is and how to make it..

  9. Day one down 4 more to go! BED TIME!

  10. Well that was interesting

  11. What would life be if every thing went the way you wanted.....

    1. Handsup!


      Awesome, thats what.

    2. Marshall8946


      ^Agreed. Well, in most ways..

  12. Well the first night went well!Looking forward to tomorrow! Actually feel like i am running a legit business, Having a blast!!!

  13. Crap..... What a way to start the day ... Well To BLUE RIDGE TO NIGHT!

  14. Well got a phone call and i have passed the first test for Asheville. Will be heading to the Physical agility test this Saturday. Wish me luck and prayers sent my way are appreciated! YES I WILL HAVE MY I.D.!!!!!!!!

  15. Got my new post orders today, Now protecting the Holiday in 40 Hours a week! No more driving to flat rock ayayayayayay

  16. On this day 12 years ago i set in class like any other normal day.... And then i got called to the office i was being picked up early along with many of my other class mates... As i got into my nanas car she told me that the US was under attack. As a young child i didn't really under stand what this meant at the time. As we got to her house and turned on the TV we set there in shock of the devastation. As i watched i still didn't fully grasp the events. However the view of the towers falling...

    1. L.C. Long

      L.C. Long

      I think this is all too long to fit on, it seems it has been cut short!?

  17. So I have came to this realization! Although I want a job in emergency services ( EMS, or Fire - don't really have a want to be a cop ) Come November I will finish up my FFII and will complete my EMT-B/FFII, I will also be 21 which opens more opportunity up and thus maybe a opportunity I am meant to find -> good things come to those who wait so here I sit applying and waiting. And as I wait I am thankful for what I do have opened to me in the filed. Training, Others around me with years of wi...

  18. Already so very tired.... Sunday at 7am sleep will occur!!! How ever that's still 24 hours away!

  19. 11:00 tonight starts 32 hours of little to no sleep and a lot of work!

  20. As much as i enjoy doing the selling lights and other stuff days like today really make me just want to shut it down and say screw it!But i guess will struggle on! ( The bad part its im actually selling stuff HA! )

  21. Ya know every time i go to put something on Facebook i just can't come up with any thing worth putting!

    1. Handsup!


      then dont put anything up, theres no need to post something just to get reactions lol

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