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Status Updates posted by NathanDollinger

  1. Im ready for bed! ..... Wait i just got up @#*$

  2. I really really hope i get a call from one of these emergency services departments i applied for!!

  3. Well off to what my very possibly be my last two days of work...... GET-ER-DONE! Ashlie K Dollinger Much love

  4. Sitting here see about some training maybe!

  5. well it feels like one of THOSE days lol .... lets get at it!

  6. So this is turning out to be a odd night

  7. Off we go McDowell Fire Collage here we come!

  8. I kinda feel bad today

  9. So dont run out of gas in the middle of the road and if you do hope a nice volunteer stops and helps lol

  10. HOT ... I LOVE Ashlie K Dollinger

  11. Spending the day with "The Jonah" lol Ashlie K Dollinger is at work...... i guess to the park when she gets off and maybe a picnic =8

  12. I AM TIRED! lol, Long day... Another one expected tomorrow!!!!!!!!!! OH JOY!! lol Hope every one had and has a good night/day and will have a good tomorrow PEACE!

  13. I am absolutely in love with this person Ashlie K Dollinger

  14. well today can't be any worse then yesterday so lets get it started!

  15. Didnt say a word and was happy for her all I asked is my feelings and views on a subject be respected but im the bad guy cause they werent

  16. AA Cartons that are made theses days suck!!!!

  17. 5:30-6:00 oclock was a long time ago! Nap TIME!!!


  19. At the FD early today. Got to go get ready for work about 8:30 then off to work we go =8 hope ashlie is enjoying the bed lol

  20. Thunderstorms on the way!!! i hope there good ones =D

  21. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  22. Dont fell good not tired its midnight agh! So much fun! On top of that a little stresed out

  23. a start to another wonderful day!

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