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Everything posted by rafaelmfernandez

  1. That's a good point were well aware of. V3 will have ONLY the stuff that is in free play. No missions buildings or anything like that
  2. He's exposed this idiot to the world so everyone knows who he is, and now has ashamed his reputation in the real world if found by his "friends if any" and family
  3. Looks like that is way too much to fit in game. The max map size for a map in game won't fit that. So you can improvise and do like just the yellow streets or something.
  4. Hmm, what were you trying to do when you got the script error? Thanks Met Police
  5. We dont have any very serious Car accidents that would last 24 hours. And I can assure you that in Manhattan they will do everything they can to clear a car accident and get that street open again ASAP. On another note, 2 new V3 preview photos has been on our Facebook and Twitter. http://www.emergency-planet.com/ManhattanModification https://twitter.com/ManhattanMod
  6. We did some SD testing and, it still lags like crazy even on a basic map. But we will look some more into it
  7. Don't forget when confronted, Denys that he is who he actually is, and then eventually admits he is who he is.. Confused identity?
  8. Ever since 2.0.3, things have been really quite in these forums. Anyways we've got a lot of V3 content coming your way!
  9. EMP's Most Wanted, Reward: 1,000,000,000,000 Karma Lol, this guy makes me laugh at his desperation. I doubt he will be back
  10. On this forum, I doubt you will find anyone able to code what you want minus myself and a few others who probably only show up once in a blue moon. I had to learn coding myself after going to the ends of the Internet to find someone. It's a lot of teeth grinding work but it pays off in the end, knowing that when you have an awesome idea, you can script it. If all else fails, id reccomend heading over to emergency-forum.de and look for coders there. They are the best of the best, but.... They aren't too friendly and don't try to associate with English speakers. So we have up on that idea as well. As for 3D building modeling, with 6 years of 3D modeling, buildings? It really doesn't get easier then making buildings. Especially the 1-4 floors you're looking for. Basics like start with a cube, knife out windows and doors, extrude em and voila! I from what ive seen, this mod has potential (lol y'all took over the spotlight on here). With all I've learned from modding, it's so much more efficient, with having one or two people who are able to master all modding skills (moddeling, texturing, uv mapping, editor mapping, GUI, map texturing, lighting, prototype set up and edit, coding, and audio engineering) it's really a treat for us when it's that easy. But Most likely with the big group you have, things will take a lot longer, be more complicated, and most likely most of the team will be clueless as to what is in the mod and what isn't. When its all coming together in the end, that's when it is the most difficult. Best of luck and prove me wrong ;p. Rafael Fernandez "Manhattan Mod Team"
  11. That is our fault! You do NOT need v1 for v2. V2 is stand alone. All you need to do is set the installer location to either c:/programs files/wizardworks/ etc / mods or sixteen tons entertainment mods folder
  12. Manhattan Modification v3.0.0 Preview HD - Engine 54 Ladder 4 Battalion 9 Responding JUST A TEST PREVIEW! First Official Preview of Version 3! Be advised this was a test on the V2.0.3 map with the firehouse in it so it does not reflect the firehouse's final resting place. Just a quick concept of what you can expect . Manhattan Modification v3.0.0 HD - Engine 54 Ladder 4 Battalion 9 Responding.
  13. Im able to code and 3D model, very experienced in both actually. Yesterday I spoke to Chad about me and Dyson collabing with RCMP, but with us literally just starting v3, now is not the best time. Chad told me we would talk about it after v3, but I didnt think they would go looking for people right away lol. Anyways best of luck to you guys! Quick tip! It may seem like your mod is the latest and greatest but after release you will want to pull your hair out. People wont give a rats a** how hard you worked or how unique your work is, some will pick it up and try it out and set it back down in ten minutes and then go ahead and tell you how much they dont like about it. Be prepared. I dont want you to make the same mistake me and Dyson made. Learn from our mistakes. Please. Now they worship you till they get their hands on it, some will stay loyal, but most will throw it back up, and then throw up on it again. Goodluck guys! Youre showing good work and promising future with NFK on your team now. We will see how things flow in the future between our two projects.
  14. Lol idk! But if it does Dyson probably did It on purpose as an Easter egg lol!
  15. Not trying to bring back a dead topic, as I'm not sure if it is dead or not, but aren't you already Working on 3 different mods? : Squad 18, Brooklyn, and ArabahCity mod? That seems like a lot of work.. Also will this mod have any ladders if its still going?
  16. If you haven't checked it out yet, their is an official V3 preview exclusive for our twitter followers @ManhattanMod
  17. Great constructive criticism dude.. We're not trying to please you, we're trying to please everyone with smoother gameplay, less traffic, less crashes and lag. If you like the v1 map so much, go back to v1
  18. Part 3 No mic is needed but you will be lessened opportunity with out one aka less rank, probably fire fighter is the highest, others with a mic will be proffered for a game over those with out one. Lol move kitty!!!
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