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Posts posted by titannub

  1. hurm interesting. 1 person replies out of 124..... so tell me guys, do you not feel comfortable posting your ideas, are you scared to join me or is it somthing else like you just dont want to play so realisticly. im not being rude i just want to see answers because I KNOW with as many people who r trying to make mods and posting on these forums about mods and the game there has got to be people wanting to play online. obivously 124 people wanted to learn about "A new clan" but no ones came to me about it so whats going on guys? if you dont like structure in the game SAY SO! lol itll make me shut up alot quicker and you mayu even get a clan you want out of it.

  2. ok so ive read alot and since lovely EM4 is a foreign game everything confuses me when i try to learn things about it, no offense to my foreign friends, its not a bad thing im just slow lol. ok so ive been tweaking the la mod for a few days to set up my perfect paradise but i keep hitting one major snag (multiple snags but these one is the major one for now) every time i edit a buildings position im left with a stop which naturally would be correct but is no longer correct looking on the floor, for instance the docks, if you remove the crates to say place a building in its place your left with 2 out of place yellow boxs and some white lines acting as guides for vehicles to follow. so my question is is there a way, from the editor, to fix these. ive seen alot of post talking about using and outside editor like paint or photoshop to edit the base map but is the the only thing you can do? Now dont everyone tell me how dumb i am and god cant you read like i half expect lol i just want 100% clarification on the matter. I can mess with the files that should contain the ways to do it such as the texture files but when i go to load or import one my comp says no thank you and closes the editor. so please correct my noobliness and give me a straight answer =).

  3. i can see your thoughts on it so i reckon i can hand off some of my ideas. If its set up to play the way i said , IE. a professional game play group, then you need an excellent leading staff that not only work with each other but with members. an in depth set of SOPs that leave as little questions as possible and that are up to date. Ive noticed the 2 clans that have been on these forums both use paid domain names for the clan which then requires donations from clan members which is unlikely youll receive or payment from you or your staff, it would be much simpler if you just used a free domain and sucked it up to take the extra name.

  4. As i said, im not using this for recruitment per say ide rather it be a pool of ideas for clan leaders to look at and say ok this is what the public wants. I also didnt want to make two post and get a warning for being dumb like that when it would be easier to add them both together in the same area understand. But your right and perhaps if some people start posting ill add my ideas, dont want the moderators to feel like im bumping the topic by rattling off the ideas in my head =P i like that you said website though , it may sound obvious but some people might not think of it :grinsevil:

  5. Hey guys, ive been playing EM4 for quite a little while now and slowly came around to online gaming as i joined squad 55 (please note im only mentioning squad 55 to reference not to cause trouble) and seen alot of things ide love to do and how i would love to play EM4. True, EM4 is just a game but the more i play free play i realize that heck im doing the work of like 10 dispatchers basically so why not get 3 other people that can take the load off my shoulders, and talk to me as to give some company. After i left squad 55 i had gained tons of ideas on how a professional clan could be ran and organized and ide like to make it happen but i need some help from you guy. well 2 things really lol , 1 any ideas for how youd like to see things done, what would make you want to play with a big group of other people. and 2 i need helpers, a few mature intelligent folks that can assist me in getting it off the ground. now dont take that the wrong way, i dont need scripters or modders or all the hard stuff, lol not excluding you if you are one of those, but i just need some level headed individuals willing to make something they can be proud of. If you have ideas please by all means post them here, shoot even if i dont use everything maybe some of the other clans out there will see what you guys want and make some changes or you might even spark other people to make one =) on the other hand if you think that posting is below you for you are a god among men lol jk, but if you feel that you want to do more than tell us what you want message me on xfire [titannub] or on here might be easier as i always tend to have issues with my xfire lol. once i get enough together well lay the ground work and ill be terrorizing the forums once more with a clan post but for now take care and have fun gaming everyone.

    PS: if your not english but you can speak english to the point i can atleast understand you i wanna talk to you, everyones welcome but please if i tell you i cant use you dont get torn up, i need people i can talk to openly understand? =) thanks

  6. ok i hadn't ever actually put one in the map on the editor so i was mislead to think it was simply messing up once i loaded the game. since i now can figure it was a settings change anyway i can fix that without re installing the mod? im sure both fixes would take the same ammount of time but i want to learn more about the editor without taking the easy way out.

    EDIT: BTW it is all the helos, in case you needed to know that lol

  7. well im not sure. like i said i had copied all my original lamod folder to another folder and made kind of a control file in case something went wrong but when this messed up i just copied all those files and such and replaced the old ones leaving out the 3 or 4 freeplay map files cause im not sure which one runs the game, call me editor noob, i was just trying to learn the system =P well since we cant be sure what i did wrong, if i just keep those map files and reinstall the game and the submod shouldn't that fix it? then just put the maps back so the old prototype scripts are back to normal or does the map store some of that data, dont know why it would but you never know..... stupid computers

  8. Hey guys, i was messin around in the editor and the LA mod and somethings gone all nuts. As i got trough editing the map the way i wanted it to i saved and exited and went to test it out. loaded my free play and everything seemed fine but the i called in a helicopter and noticed its doors and superstructure or blades when not in the editor are missing. i have the additional units submod so i called in a few more copters and all of them were they same way. to my knowledge i didn't mess around with them in the editor and i certainly did not touch them as far as scripts goes so what could be the issue? i loaded the editor and checked them each in the editor menu to see if i had messed them up there and couldn't find anything wrong so i saved the 3 or 4ish map files and moved them out and replaced all the old files from la mod 2.02 or what ever the latest is and it still does it. short of reinstalling the mod, is there anything that might could fix this or anyway to see if ive messed up something? :help:

  9. As i look over the forums ive noticed a large ammount of hostility towards squad 55 and i would like to quickly summarize squad 55 to take some of the hate. I was recently a member of squad 55 and honestly it was one of the best gaming experiences ive had in a long time. most if not all of the members are mature, fun people to talk to and game with. the bulk of the time, games are professional which i myself enjoyed the most simply because i felt it brought a new level to EM4 that is hard to obtain by yourself. there organized and backed by a good leadership unit, but even with all of this going for it all organizations will have problems. squad 55 has some areas that could be improved and often the tactics they use to get members and keep them may be.... odd lol but all in all, its well worth a try, i myself left with bad feelings towards the group but i still would recommend squad 55 to ANY gamer looking to have a fun time with a professional atmosphere. Furthermore they gave me ideas and a starting point for my own clan and for that i also have to thank them. Best of luck to you squad 55, and to anyone who joins them.

    Titan :12:

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