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Posts posted by tony11139

  1. I change all Corona for the Headlight and brakelight ** flashing light ** i don't modify the lightbar for all the swat vehicule because they are nice like that and I don't use it often to change it !

    There's my modification

    Unmarked Patrol + LAPD Slicktop - Backlight , frontlight , Redirect light

    LASD patrol car , LAAP black & White + White , LAPD SUV , LAPD Patrol , LAPD Dodge Charger CHP Dodge Charger , CHP Patrol - Lightbar , frontlight , backlight , redirect ( not all )

    LAPD Bomb Squad - Lightbar

    FBI SUV - All Light Like The Video

    FBI Command Vehicule - Lightbar , headlight , backlight

    Prototypes - http://files.filefront.com/Prototypesrar/;...;/fileinfo.html

    Enjoy tell me what do you think !

  2. The train alarm and fire is with new sound but the police, ambulance and fire siren sound is old (not new from last uploaded files). I think that you make new from the lasr uploaded siren sound files.

    I don't made new siren for the ambulance police and firetruck because i love them ... and it's hard to find an other siren for firetruck ... one of them i take it on the internet * video when wtc was attacking * and the other one is the firetruck siren of CFD if i have new sounds later i'll post it but now i don't have new sound ..

    now I'm going to work on lights * bomb squad , police hammer , and SUV * Maybe I'll put more light on the big swat truck but i'll not change the light of the other swat vehicule because hoppah made a good work !

  3. 6012 KB! That's almost 6 MB's lol.

    Did you include the whole prototypes folder or something?

    How many prototype files have you changed? 50 at most maybe?

    That's not even 1 MB lol.

    Suggestion: Find out which files you have changed and put these in the package only.

    LOL ! it's not a prototypes it's a video and it's because of FRAPS when the video is finish the file is very large then i put the video in windows movie maker and the file recduce

    With fraps : 309 MO

    after convertion with * WMM * = 5.73 mo :) the video is large because i put the best quality on it .. to can be able to see every details of the lights :) But Hoppah if you have any suggestion for me .. just tell me i'll apreciate it!

  4. Thank you Tony, i'll try it now :)

    PS Can you upload and the files of these new siren light for police vehicles?

    I'll upload the prototype file when i'll finish all the police car

    That's all the siren ** police / ambulance / firetruck ** - http://files.filefront.com/sirensrar/;1153...;/fileinfo.html

    siren ** C:\Program Files\sixteen tons entertainment\Emergency 4\Mods\Los Angeles Mod v1.6\Audio\Fx\sirens

    New alarm for the firestation and the alarm of the train gate - http://files.filefront.com/fire+alarmrar/;...;/fileinfo.html ,


    Train gate ** C:\Program Files\sixteen tons entertainment\Emergency 4\Data\Audio\FX\misc

    Firestation alarm ** C:\Program Files\sixteen tons entertainment\Emergency 4\Mods\Los Angeles Mod v1.6\Audio\Fx\misc

    Now the video of my new police light ** http://files.filefront.com/rotating+light+...;/fileinfo.html **

    ENJOY! For myself i LOVE what i've done with those light :D

  5. Yeah Re-edit all apparatus ( fire trucks, et cetera) With LED lights, or spice it up...glad to have you back!

    I've seen in few videos on the internet yesterday and the police lightbar like the old one are led now.. like the bataillon firechief truck

    here ' s the video .. ** with realplayer ** http://rapidshare.com/files/138013945/DSCF0339.rar.html

    I found a video of LA FIRETRUCK * ratating light

    Ambulance : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siX13cN7lv8

    new police lightbar :

  6. still on vacation huh?

    Hi! first of all I would like to say NICE JOB too hoppah with the new lights he made they are nice and you put some modification that i made in my small my i appreciate :) i hope the other version will be cool like now and or better ! Keep your nice job hoppah!

    for other people , I'm Sorry if i don't give any news but i was on vacantion like CFD said so i'll start to edit some lights if you have some suggestion with video ... be free I'm open to any suggestions

  7. @ tony:

    You've already planned for changing the lights in v1.7 BEFORE you have even seen them?

    Mikesphotos, who lives in Los Angeles and has a job in the LAFD, changed alot of lights to make them look more realistic.

    He did an awesome job. I just don't see a reason for making them more unrealistic.

    It just sound very stupid to me that you already made plans for something that you haven't checked out yet.


    lol sorry hoppah but I don't saw anywhere that you change the light fonction :) that's why i said that i'll remake my light ! I'm sorry again!

  8. What hes saying is that the LAPD does not use LED lights on their back doors. They have generaly the lights on the top of the car and thats just about it.

    This video gives you a clear look at the light placement on the cars and SUV.


    And by the way excelent job with the lights, really made the game more enjoyable for me! :D

    Ok thanks but i was thinking that it will be more beautiful with those light on the window :)

  9. Yea, the only thing I don't like about them are the ridiculously huge amounts of LED's in the windows and stuff that aren't real. Like on the LAPD truck...wow lol. Way to many. I like them just normal rotating lights. They are really awesome though, keep it up.! :D

    lol ! I know that ! i'll delete all the XMAS light in the next version because i don't like them too! i'll delete the led in the window on many cars not all .. in my country the new police car with led lightbar have those light on the window .. so that's why i put on it.. i'll check it out on the next version ! thanks

  10. I don't like them. For the sirens you can actually hear that it is a recording, and for the lights, well they are not realistic at all. The rotating lights are awesome, but you added to many lights on the truck, and the CHP vehicles, and the two slicktop LAPD. They should have what they actually have, otherwords they are awesome. Great job!


    Thank i'll edit the firetruck light in the other version of the LA MOD

  11. I need those sirens.

    No problem

    Put the siren file and replace it by the old one there >>> C:\Program Files\sixteen tons entertainment\Emergency 4\Mods\Los Angeles Mod v1.5\Audio\Fx


    The fire alarm there >>>> C:\Program Files\sixteen tons entertainment\Emergency 4\Mods\Los Angeles Mod v1.5\Audio\Fx\misc


    And the train gate there >>>> C:\Program Files\sixteen tons entertainment\Emergency 4\Data\Audio\FX\misc


    Enjoy the new sounds ! and thanks for the comment

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