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Posts posted by andrew2007

  1. Hey Everyone,

    I've started work on a new submod/project: Even More Additional Units! Which builds upon Hoppah's and Shane Green's Submods to deliver a few new units into game play. Each addition aims to bring a further little bit more realism into the game, yet while providing functionality as so it isn't just eye candy. All of the units below are actually based on working units within their respective services and will try to be skinned as close as possible.

    Release v1.0 Beta

    The download for this mod was revoked some time in 2009 due to a number of issues which prevented the mod working in it's intended function.

    As of February 2013, I have found the mod files and have regained interested in working on this mod in order to attempt to release it.

    Reported Bugs (v1.0b)

    Doors Missing - Fixed

    CTDs with DC (Script?/) - Need Log Files

    Su2/BST Missing - Working on fixing it.



    • LAFD Utility Van *Completed*
    • LAFD Dozer Team
      • Utility Truck DT1 *Completed*
      • Transport + Dozer TP1/TP2 *Not Started*

      [*]LAFD Field Mechanic *In Progress* 40%

      [*]LAPD Mobile Command Unit *In Progress* 10%

      [*]LA County Coroner Special Response Team *Not Started*

      [*]LAFD Rehab/Air Tender 59 *Not Started*

      [*]LAPD Bomb Squad Truck *Completed*

      [*]LAFD Volunteer Support Utility 2 *Completed*

      [*]LAFD Division 3 *Completed*


    • LAFD Division 3 Chief *Completed*
    • LAFD Mechanic *Not Started*
    • LAPD Supervisor *Not Started*

    Project News

    *UPDATED* 08/05/10

    Release v1.0 Beta - 08/05/10

    All Completed Units Ingame and Functioning - 21/03/10

    Division 3 Chief scripting started- 20/03/10

    DT1, SU2 Finished - 19/03/10

    LAFD Utility Van Completed - 8/11/09

    Permission Received for Release - 9/11/09


    *UPDATED* 21/03/10

    Temporarily Removed

    Project Credits/Thanks

    Hoppah - Models, SWAT Truck. Scripts: Battalion Chief

    ShaneGreen - Scripts: Modified Battalion Chief. General Assistance

    Xplorer4x4- Skin: LAPD Bomb Squad Truck

    FortErieFireEli- Skin: LAFD Dozer Tender 1 Skin. General Assistance

    MCERT1- General Assistance

    randomperson139 - General Assistance

    Stan - Providing and Curating the Emergency Planet Forum & Community

    MikeyPI - Model: LAFD Battalion Chief SUV, Ford Econoline

    MikesPhotos - Photographs, Information

    LAFD/LAPD/LACoFD - Photographs, Information

    Code2High.com - Photographs

    Getting in Touch

    You can email me anytime at: ozmodding+emaus@gmail.com

    From that email I'll reply back to any question, suggestion, comments, or contribution you want to make. That way i can handle any new suggestions for units much easier, but you can still post here.








  2. Its not that the chase command couldn't be added, I'm sure it could, but it would take a lot of messing around as it contains a few parts.

    1. Bike with Officer

    2. Animation - Getting off bike.

    3. Animation - Getting on bike.

    The animations are triggered by commands, and i think the way it is structured and setup would make it very difficult to add the chase command and in the end it wouldn't be worth it.

    I don't really use the motorbike all that much apart from at car accidents to stop traffic.

  3. Hey Everyone,

    Over the past few days i've been looking at adding parking and additional units at various locations.

    Below is where the units are (or are to be) located, and they are in the parking spaces.

    FS1: HES, Water Tender, Brush Patrol

    FS2: LES, Brush Patrol, Large Ambulance

    Police Station: Bomb Squad, Motorbikes, Unmarked Car, SUV (Plus 3 Extra Parking Spots - 06,07,08 - Which are working)

    Hospital: EMS Supervisor, Coroners

    The VOs are as follows:

    vo_hesa - HES
    vo_watertender - Water Tender
    fs_brusha - Brush Patrol

    fs_lesb - LES
    fs_brushb - Brush Patrol
    fs_lgamba - Lg. Ambulance

    I'm yet to add the VOs for the other things, but they will be as follows:

    policestation_mbike1 - motorbike
    policestation_mbike2 - motorbike
    policestation_suv - suv
    policestation_umkd - unmarked car
    policestation_bomb - bomb squad

    hopsital_emscap - ems supervisor
    hospital_coroners - coroners

    The problem i am encountering is spawning, and having crews actually enter the vehicles.

    The LES at FS2 spawns, but the units come from FS1, and the Brush Batrol at FS1 works fine, but everything else i am having issues with.

    I've edited some of the scripts:

    LAFireStation.script - http://andrew2007.pastebin.com/f57668cd1

    LAFireStationStart.script - http://andrew2007.pastebin.com/m51cafc82

    LAToPoliceStation.script - http://andrew2007.pastebin.com/m4ec93726

    I would be appreciative of any assistance that you can offer, and if you have any questions for me, please ask!

    Thanks again!

  4. It looks great!

    It'd be awesome if you were able to release these, and with a bit of scripting, you might be able to clone the 'FireStationStart.script' script, and modify it for the police station, spawning the vehicles and having the officers in them.

    Maybe if you did a collaboration with Hoppah, or another modder, you may even be able to create a control panel for the police station as is done with the fire station!

    Great work once again

  5. Hey,

    I don't feel like going through 18 somewhat pages of posts, but two things (Running Patch 2, v1.9, 911:FR):

    #1: I get this yellow truck that backs up traffic to the north west of the map, usually occurs after 5-10 minutes of game play.


    #2: In regards to the bridge, units can access it, but it takes a while for them to respond onto the bridge, occasionally, traffic will become congested and stop at the meeting point of the bridge end (closet to police station). But the train doesn't move under the bridge, but rather sits there for the entire game..


  6. I aint, bloke:P


    You know, for a large majority of Australians, they don't talk like they do according to the stereotype.

    Well i'm from the great country of Canada :D:sporty: 2nd largest in land mass in the world :P

    I have a friend from Canada, and we got onto an interesting discussion one day about how Australia and Canada are so similar.

    I'll also mention that Australia is the 7th largest continent, and we are a continent of our own.

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