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Posts posted by zootoo63

  1. Check This

    You can see blue lights in that image.

    The reason there are blue lights on that car is because as stated above, it is privately owned in the UK..You can clearly see that all the cars in the background are clearly European, and not available in North America...If you look at the video I have posted below that I took on my trip to NYC two days ago, you can see that all cars have red and white only to the front, and as the law states, if they have blue, it is only to be prjected to teh rear, as shown in all the videos of blue lights in the lightbars. I hope you take the blue out, since that is a total turn off since it defies NYPD cars so much...Thanks for your mod, and although your models are pretty good, I would like to hear more about teh building of the scripts and stuff like that since anyone can do models, the models dont work without scripts.

    Video of NYPD cars taken by myself (All Rights Reserved):

  2. Hello. I am a light editer. I edit the lights in LA Mod..but not the ones that come with the mod. If you want me to work on the lights for this mod i would be pleased to. If you want to see some of my work i can send you my version of Hoppah's LA Mod 1.8 lights that i have edited. I personally love to do LED lights but i am good with strobe and halogen effects too. I hope you take my offer becasue i believe that you will be very impressed with my work.

  3. Yes you all have caught us, in the night we sneak into our secret batcave-like facility where we keep a small sweatshop of laborers working on this mod just so we can keep adding more...... We are adding a map and yet people always want more... Zombies are less extensive about their desire for brains.

    well, i dint know if there were any more scripts being added or anything like that.

  4. firemanangel2.jpg

    Made out of ice, I believe up in Canada. I saw it in the paper.

    Fallen Officer memorial for the state of Florida.


    The Sgt. Chris Reyka memorial ride was up there a couple weeks ago. I help out, and did the list of police/sheriff departments they visited.

    notice the american flag. im pretty sure its not from canada

  5. well it is all done in editor, under EDIT, LIGHTS then you just place as you see fit, take a little learning, but I won't go into explaining that now

    thats not quite what we are talking about. i dont know if you read my reply above where i asked if instead of the directional lights and the spot lights being both special lights could we have 3 types of special lights so they all dont work on 2 different commands but that is the main question here. im sure it is quite difficult, and maybe i should request that in the em5 suggestions topic but i was just wondering if it was possible, tahts all. thanks

  6. i think the biggest update is: WE NEED A SKINNER asap. without a skinner there will be no updates for this mod, as far as vehicles are concerned. i dont know much about the maps progress, thats all batt chiefs business. if anyone knows a good skinner that can start from scratch, please we need you. thanks for all the comments, but that is our delemma at this point in the mod and hopefully someone can help us out. :23_31_4:

  7. You can, but it wont work like the chiefs car because of all the scripts involved.

    learn how to script. hehe :laugh:

    Yeah, wouldn't it involve basically splitting every light into a separate light, then scripting them one by one?

    And maybe 6 months later we could have selectable lights? lol

    It would be sweet though.. *thumbs up*

    unless i dont understand your comment thoroughly, i dont think that it would take splitting every single light. i mean, its been done beofore with the traffic advisor/spot light command. why not have a 3rd command for lights? please dont take this as an arguement, just as a debate.

  8. hi hoppah. i ahve a question regarding another button/vcmdcommand. is it possible to in the futur updates, somehow allow both the spot lights and the directional lights on a vehicle turn on independantly, instead of both being speacial lights? and this might be asking a little much, but a rear deck light or warning light(maybe 2 led flashers on each lightbar to the rear) command so we dont need the full lightbar going or the directional lights. thanks and hope this is a good idea. let me know if its possible thanks.

  9. Yeah, I've noticed little things like that happens sometimes, but when you have this many changes, little errors are going to happen every now and then. I think overall though, it is pretty good as for bugs, seeing about how much stuff has been done!

    And as for the Downloading, I live in newfoundland, which is the closest north american point to Europe, so I manage to get like a mb a second when downloading here :) Pretty lucky i think :D

    im in ontario and mine works fine when downloading. i think it all has to do with the quality of internet that you have

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