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Everything posted by emsteam

  1. Just curious Dyson,is there plans for a reskin of the NYPD helicopters?
  2. Make sure it isnt the houses that have the open window,because if so,then you have to send a fire fighter inside to end the fire
  3. It was the new gate that had been added. I moved it out,and I put an ambulance in that spot and now it comes out. I am going to try the USAR truck now The USAR truck works =) but I am keeping it behind station one and making station three a ALS ambulance station
  4. OMG! @dyson I just totally fixed the issue with the vehicle not leaving the new station =D
  5. I gotsa scared fire truck.. It was so scared of the fire it drove off the map :X
  6. Did you ever figure out why the units have to go from station one to three and the same box operates the same one?
  7. You wanna be nice and tell me how to do that? =)
  8. You want anything particular in it?
  9. And you kinda read my mind. I am making one now
  10. I checked it and an engine can go through the gate
  11. If you dont mind... I didnt some minor adjustments. http://img683.imageshack.us/i/em42010122613023760.png/ http://img64.imageshack.us/i/em42010122613024140.png/ http://img510.imageshack.us/i/em42010122613020575.png/ And I added USAR and hazmat,the only problem is that they go to the stations they are originally at then come back. http://img404.imageshack.us/i/em42010122613014607.png/ http://img291.imageshack.us/i/em42010122613013414.png/ And also.. Lets play some football! (with there own atheltic trainers of course) http://img63.imageshack.us/i/em42010122613021762.png/
  12. It isnt because of the traffic. Like,for instance I had it reply to the docks and when I told it to go to station,and those to fire stations errors came up,but then I had it drive to the station and it went in fine
  13. The mod is working ok for me. My crime tape works for me,and the ladder is in its proper color. But,idk if it is just me,but for engine 2 (the one by the stadium) to go back, it has to be near it. And the other thing and it might just be me as well is that I got an earthquake and basically every building in the city caught fire. I also messed around with the stations for the problem with the hazmat and USAR thing and yea.. I failed at finding something because it happens with every vehicle I put there.
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