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Everything posted by arpad80

  1. Thanks guys, I think I'll chalk this one up to it ain't gonna work with this computer. Oh well...at least I have 2012 to play.
  2. Thanks for the replies. I have update all of my drivers to the latest for my graphics card and audio card. I start the game, it goes to a black screen for a few seconds then crashes to the desktop with no explanation. I have lowered my resolution to 800x600 and 1024x780 and I get the same results.
  3. Hi all, I've tried and tried to get 911: First Responders to get working but to no avail. I have tried all of the suggestions listed here. Could someone please look at my dxdiag and log and let me know if I'm missing anything here. Any help will be much appreciated. DxDiag.txt logfile.txt
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