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  1. I'll give that a shot and see what happens. Thanks Everyone for the support. can't tell you how much its helping me figure things out!
  2. And so there is will you look at that.. ha! i wonder if the other map is there.. is that only for singleplayer?
  3. Yes Thank you. We started to test These things and Found out he can enter buildings and use the LA Fire Crane so well just work off that form now on. Thank you for the Help sir!!! -Evo (Angel)
  4. I've been playing this game a long time.. and seen the LA Mod from start to (Finish). now i'm having a good talk with my friend and when we play online the map is good but i'm having 3 issues. 1.) with LA mod the LA Fire crane when i use it to lift something. it Disappears and i can't do anything with it anymore cus i just don't see it on map anymore.. my friend see's it but i don't. Should i Re-install? 2.) Maps, I've remember playing the LA mod before it got the map it got now and just wondering where the map went that was the same as EM4 Freeplay map. i liked that map. With the River going North South Not East West. don't to much like this one. i know older installers had it. just wondering if there is a install for it out there. the Search doesn't find what i'm looking for so that's why i ask here 3.) i'm having an Issue with both ladder trucks online. the Truck and Trailer ladder doesn't work online. and the Other ladder truck doesn't work on letting me go into buildings.. why? Re-install as well?
  5. ok thanks. what was the original for Boost?. if i can remember it was 10000.00 when i started
  6. I have Edited them to Delay some parts. but what one controls how fast and what should it be to make it like 1 to 2 mins apart. <MinDurationBetweenEvents value = "100.0" /><MaxIdleDuration value = "100.0" /><Seed value="0"/><BuyFactor value="0.5"/><SellFactor value="0.5"/><GlobalEventFrequencyFactor value="100.0"/><TimeSpeedFactor value="1.0"/><StartBudget value="1000000"/><MaxBudget value="10000000"/><Earnings value="100000"/><SquadPriceGrowth value="20.0"/><MaxParkingSpace value="250" /><InitialEventFrequencyBoost value="100.0"/><InitialEventWaitDuration value="100.0"/><starttime value="8:00"/>
  7. So me and my Friend are playing only. the events happen to fast.. i know how to work the Spec files to do what i wish but how do i slow even times that happen down.. i can make it take a bit longer to start. but once it starts another one and another one pop... ive done it on singleplayer Endless many times. but for some reason online isn't doing it.. what do i need to change to make it slow down.
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