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Posts posted by kevind963

  1. May i suggest moving the link of the 1.7 download to the first post so you don't have to hunt through posts to find the link. In fact i suggest you move everything downloadable to the first post.

    Just a friendly suggestion. :holdglass:

    well I made a few minor changes, and I will upload the protoype rar now I can't make any promises that this is going to work 100%, if not, just inform me right away... However, I think I got most of it ready, I made some changes to the FBI SUV that aren't in this fold er I don't think, give me a little while to upload it, because it isn't on this computer

    Should be the same procedure as before

  2. Hi everyone ! there's the link of the new light i made for the LA MOD version! these light looks like the ** Real life ** I modified almost all light !

    Ex : rotate light for LASD LAAP Firetruck etc .. new strobe and led light ! In my download file in Filefront you can find the sirens I use in the game and a new sound that replace the fire alarm and the train gate!

    So enjoy yourself with the new Package!


    Emplacement ---> C:\Program Files\sixteen tons entertainment\Emergency 4\Mods\Los Angeles Mod v1.6 Replace the old prototypes file by this one . Enjoy

    I made a video of a big fire contamination the video is very large because of the time of the video ... aproximative 20 min *Less or more * so if you have a slow internet conexion it's not a good thing to download exept if you're patient ! :1046275747_biggthumpup:

    Link : http://files.filefront.com/LAMODFIRECONTAM...;/fileinfo.html

    Link2: http://files.filefront.com/Bigfirerar/;117...;/fileinfo.html

    Be careful large file!

    Enjoy video !

    Will There be a version for 1.7? (So The USAR truck can return to station and so can the hazmat)

    By the way GREAT job!!

  3. I was wondering if it would be possible to add false fire alarms. Add a utility box that only a fire fighter could deactivate, similar to an engineer when they have to fix a stoplight. I know this has been mentioned before but it did not seem to get a clear answer. :1046275747_biggthumpup:


    I have something to add to my own idea :gruebel:?! For the dispatch movie you could use the "Fire! Cause unknown" movie.

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