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Status Updates posted by FDNYpower

  1. work work work time

  2. work again YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. FDNYpower


      yeah this house is slow actually and i've been thinking about transfering :P but i'll miss my truck shes a beauty :P

    3. Unit 42
    4. FDNYpower


      yeah but all of the FDNY trucks are awesome lol

  3. hey i updated the meriden submod page everyone feel free to check it out its in the private or WIP submod section :P

  4. time to play some la mod!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Stupid cancer. We all want a new car, a new phone. A person who has cancer only wants one thing... to survive. I know that a lot of you "who think you're too cool" probably won't re-post this. But a very little amount of my friends will. Put this on your wall in honor of someone who died of cancer, survived, or who is fighting against it now. Sarah Taylo

    1. L.C. Long

      L.C. Long

      ok one of you is copying, is it you, josh41, or qiuncy???

    2. FDNYpower


      what you mean? i'm not copyin

  6. anyone that wants to play multiplayer with me just pm me i don;t care witch mod it is and i have the enhanced supervisor mod :P

  7. i was playin the NY mod 2.3 today a car exploded near a building the fire spread so quick it turned into a 7 alarm fire i had a cammand post at a MCdonalds virtualy every road was shout down i have 7 battalions on scene lost 20 ff's 40 civillions and 17 police officers had 56 car wreaks it was so fun it took me 2 hours to put the fire out i just left my computer running most of the time and did other stuff most of the map was a disaster scene ;):)

  8. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which ut stands: one nation under GOD, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. RE- POST IF YOU THINK GOD, OUR COUNTRY, OUR FLAG, AND OUR MILITARY DESERVE RESPECT

  9. anyone that likes the FDNY i found a web site online go to google and type in fdny scanner online and go to the second link and then you'l see links at the top of the web page click on listen to FDNY live and there will be links to all different parts of new york i'm listenin to manhatten now :)

    1. Unit 42

      Unit 42

      You can also go to the thebravest.com to find some other stuff too haha

  10. remembering my fallen brothers :( :,(

  11. figured out how to mod grand theft auto episodes from liberty city for my xbox 360 so i'm doin that now ;)

  12. transferred the NYsubmod vehicles to the la mod 4x4 it worked :)

  13. outta power for three days couldn't get power, the tar was burin in front of the hotel i was at wires welded into the tar it was amazing connecticut got it bad the coast got hit really bad some houses were swept into the ocean i'm gonna take a ride down there tommorow wont be heading back to nyc in a few more days.

  14. well i'm in meriden now atleast i'm not in nyc that would be a mess :I

  15. got in a car crash today some girl rearended my car and i'm leaving newyork i was ordered to leave my appartment because of irene on the way i'm goin to meriden even though it's gonna be worse there but i can refreash my memory of the town so that will be good for my mod i'm leavin tonight i rented a trailer to take most of my thing and i have another relalitive

    1. FDNYpower


      sorry computer froze i'll finnish it here i have a relative in watertown ny so there gonna go pick it up i'm ridin with some of my firends to ct

  16. slowly starting to add buildings to the meriden map

  17. just a over heated car s**t

  18. got a vehicle fire call be back in a few

  19. i just responded to 13 emergency in a half hour a new record lol

  20. nyc was shakin we got calls all over for i felt it in my fire dept were manning our station now for extra help :0

  21. all over ct is getting evacuated new haven got a 5.8 and thw white house weird

  22. east coast earthquake!!! i felt it

  23. if anyone knows how to get sirens from videos on youtube please pm me with instructions

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