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Status Updates posted by KaoruTsuyoshi

  1. I wanna eat at The Itis. Like. Jebus. Screw you, Boondocks, makin' me dream for what can't be had (because it'd probably kill me)

  2. Ghost in the Shell: Arise, and Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex MMO. Well. It appears it's a good time to be a Ghost in the Shell fan.

  3. My parcel arrived~ I'll take pictures of it later.

  4. Detective Conan #3,000,000: Fourteen Wizards in a Skyscraper are Captured during a Countdown at the Crossroads of Baker Street and the Lost Ship, but the Magician of the Deep Azure Strategizes with Private Eyes and Fears the Sixteenth Raven's Silence.Also referred to as: We couldn't come up with a new plot so we just threw a bunch of old plots together and hope it turned out alright.--The joke is that they kick a movie out every year, much like Call of Duty. Unlike CoD, I don't refer...

  5. "Look at the white girl, it's a foul. Speak to the white girl, it's a technical foul. Touch the white girl... Well that's a lyinchin'." -Uncle Ruckus

  6. No option to make newsfeed by time of post instead of FaceBook's computed important posts. Really? That's irritating. Hope the next update fixes that.

  7. BATTLE ROYALE MUSIC IN DJANGO UNCHAINED. Life is complete. Thank you, Quentin Tarantino

  8. I want to sleep. So badly do I want to sleep. But it just won't come to me.

  9. La-la-la-Love somebody tonight
    La-la-la-Love somebody for life

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