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Status Updates posted by KaoruTsuyoshi

  1. Ghost in the Shell: Arise, and Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex MMO. Well. It appears it's a good time to be a Ghost in the Shell fan.

  2. GodDAMNIT. -.- Phoenix Wright Film delayed to June 15th, Anaheim Anime Convention. I wish I could go. Shame I can't. I'd go JUST for that premier.

  3. Got a receptionist job at The Oasis Spa - Cold Lake. I am in a happy mood for Anime Club tonight and work tomorrow :3


  5. Happy Valentines Day to all, and to all a miner's massacre. ... I MEAN. Let's all have a good day devoid of blood and chainsaws. lmao xD

  6. Here comes yet another repeat of this damned day.

  7. Hickory Smoked Buttholes! IN A CUP!

  8. I just realized that Colbie Caillat and Justin Bieber sound veeeerrrryyyy similar.

  9. I wanna eat at The Itis. Like. Jebus. Screw you, Boondocks, makin' me dream for what can't be had (because it'd probably kill me)

  10. I want to sleep. So badly do I want to sleep. But it just won't come to me.

  11. i'm deleting my facebook because :( . ---->> .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................... .................................................................................................. ........................................................

  12. I've played 25:05:18 Saints Row: The Third. Who wants to dive in with me?

  13. If anyone is interested in the Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright series, I'll be airing the film later today on a big-screen with subtitles that just became available. If you're interested in seeing it, inbox me/reply to this.

  14. If I hear about a jar of dirt or rum again after this morning, I believe I'll become a homicidal lunatic.

  15. In order to gain, something of equal value must be lost. This is Equivalent Exchange, the first law of Alchemy.

  16. In this sweet madnessOh this glorious sadnessThat brings me to my knees

  17. It took enough to get me into Steam. With EA's Origin system now laying claim to most if not all of their games, I'm getting pretty pissed off. I might actually go on a pirate-support tyrade if it allows you to bypass all these goddamned digital distribution hoops. I'm fine with using one. It allows me to keep a catalog of my games. But having to do a completely different one because EA wants to make more money on game purchases is more than a little irritating. I wouldn't mind it if they did...

  18. It's not very safe for civilians in Saints Row: The Third. I've killed 1062 of them so far, some by choice, some by accident.

    1. griffy


      accidents lies lies and more lies you know we kill them for the damn awesome fun of it

  19. Jamie Lee Curtis + NCIS =

  20. Just got woken up by someone high or drunk banging on our door. Cops came and carted them off but Christ. Do not need this before work. Hell if I'll be able to sleep now.

  21. Just saw the Gyakuten Saiban trailer. Amazing. I wish it was hitting American theaters in February, too. Looks GREAT.

  22. Keiyo Series 205 full set ordered, delightfully glad and it should ship hopefully following the weekend.

  23. Kelsey, Chelsea. One of you. Need to talk ASAP.

  24. Ksoanyway. Apparently scientists are beginning to unlock the secrets of time travel.

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