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Posts posted by bmxchamp4

  1. Basically, an HRT.


    I don't even use FBI lol. I load up an SUV with 2 SWAT officers, negotiator, and a scout... i block off all the streets in the vicinity with LAPD when all units are on scene, and i arm the SWAT officers, flashbang the house and then rush in and arrest the suspect.

  2. that's a pretty good strategy. It's been a long time since I've played so do you mind me asking what differences are between the Sheriffs and LAPD? and also why is it good to run CHP through the map? Is it for a specific reason or is that just the way you like to run things?

  3. Riots are my biggest problem. But there is an easy way. If it's just 4 people, then I get a National guard humvee with 1 or 2 marines loaded with M4A1's and a national guard casualty vehicle (Ambulance). Pretty much from here, you can predict what's going to happen... But in cases with 15 or more, I call lasd or lapd units to push the civs back. The I move in swat units all loaded with sidearms and then do as quickly as possible, all armed arrests.

    If its a normal fire, i move in an als engine, battalion chief, and an als ambulance. I can always call backup engines, with my battalion chief of course. Btw, it it's a car accident with an explosion, I call that the end of the game. One time I accidentally left the game running, and when I came back, a quarter to half the map was burning with more than 20 casualties. My units that I sent in were all burnin wrecks and the units sent after that, hopeless.


    LOLOL ya i have a tough time with riots and wat not too. Typically tho as soon as it gets called out i focus ALL my attention on the riot.. cuz typically when it gets called in there's only 2 to 3 ppl there and so ill immediately take whatever police units i have available and chase them down.. i always have 2 officers on the patrol cars so i always put the extra officer to good use and arrest the others as fast as i can b4 they start beatin up on the cops lol. But when it's ten to fifteen ppl out there and my dad is playing he puts the national guard to good use XD... im hoping he'll also get the game soon so we can play online with eachother.. cuz i live in Austin Texas with my aunt and uncle, and he lives in cali with my mom and sister

  4. You uses alot of lol in you're text.

    OT: I send 2 engines on structure fires in some cases one engine and one ladder, on ems calls i send an ALS ambulance or the closest medical vehicle.

    I have 1 police helicopter and 1 ambulance heli on the both helipads.. 3-4 police cars on patrol and 2 parked by the police HQ.

    HAHA i've been told that by a few ppl

  5. Now THAT'S what I was looking for lol... For regular structure fires I just send 2 engines to fight it then send additinaol units as needed. For Electrical appliance fires I send out 2 engines (even tho i know i'll need 4 lol) and let them fight it (firefighters and all), and if they start to lose a hand on it, i'll send my other 2 engines. When they arrive i get the FF's out and geared up in their SCBA gear. Depending on how big the building is I'll issue them either fire hoses or fire extinguishers, but ultimately I send them in there to fight it from the inside, and i usually get it back under control pretty quickly.. i actually have a video i recorded of an electrical fire that happened last night that i used that strategy on and got a hand on it pretty quick. It took a little longer than it probably should have because I was dealing with a car accident, pick pocketer, and an attempted suicide all at once lol. My mini map looked like 9/11 haha... but ya with a simple 2 car, car accident i already know there's always going to be 3 injuries, so i'll send out my USAR along with all 3 of my ALS units, and patrol cars as needed to redirect traffic and avoid a major traffic jam allowing my EMS and FD units to get on scene without any problems. I usually have a police heli on the heli pad, but find myself rarely needing the EMS heli. bomb alerts are EASSSYYY lol. I used to fail miserably at them haha. But i just get the LAPD bomb squad SUV with one bomb specialist and head over to where the bomb's been planted, and with the new "chase" command for LAPD it's easy to apprehend the suspects... that's a little bit bout my strategy ill let u kno if i have anything else lol

  6. ya that's what i figured most people do, but you never know. Some guys get real into it.. Like for certain things that I'm used to doing I have a certain strategy. Like structure fires no matter how big they are I usually send out 2 engines because I've had too many times where I'm like "Oh piece of cake" but then the fire ends up spreading to like 3 houses. So I'll send out 2 engines for every structure fire. I usually have 3 patrol cars patrolling the city each with 2 officers in them... just little stuff like that is my own strategy. But i read this one guy's post a day or 2 ago that man he always had like 10 patrol cars standing by, different fire apparatus at different parts of the city just in case somethin big goes down.. i ean he was ready for another 9/11 lol

  7. Hey fellow EM4/911: FR players!!! Before we get started I'll tell ya'll a little bit about myself, and would love it if all those who respond could do the same. Let's get to know each other a bit. My name is Brandon, I am 17 years of age and currently live in Austin, TX with my Aunt and Uncle. I was born and raised in southern California until about a year and a half ago I moved up to northern California (San Fransisco area) and lived there for about 6 months. Then I came here to Texas to visit my aunt and uncle and loved it so much I decided to stay. I've been living here since the end of January 2010. I came across 911 First Responders when I was about 15, and being extremely interested in Emergency Services and wanting to join the Fire Department since I was little I thought that it was on of the greatest creations in the universe lol. I ended up getting my hands on it the dirty way. I downloaded a torrent of it and was in love haha. Just when I thought things couldn't get any better, I came across the LA Mod. I then proceeded to make sweet love to my newly found favorite game. LMAO JKJK haha but anyways when i moved here i unfortunately couldn't take my computer. but my uncle is the BOMB and makes a very beautiful paycheck and bought me a computer Windows 7 computer that could probably power the city, and a graphics card that could make a blind man say "Holy Sh-" I'll stop there. And on top of that I have dual moniters, What could complete a gaming computer better than dual moniters? *tear*.. Anyways then I did searching for hours trying to find my beloved game. And then... Direct2Drive answered my prayers XPPP... I bought the game downloaded it and installed the LA Mod and was once again the happiest person on the planet :D lol.. There is my long and beautiful story of how my beloved game and I are once again together forever. Lmao. So let's hear it guys. I wanna hear a little bit about yourselves, how you find the game, your opinions on it, how much you like playing it, and your strategies/experiences that you think are worth a good storytelling.

    P.S No hateful replies please. Keep this forum clean. Unless tree hugging hippies come in here.. then it's on.. they can go choke and die LOL jkjkjk but seriously keep it clean, keep it friendly. ENJOY!

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