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FDNY Squad 55

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Posts posted by FDNY Squad 55

  1. Can you change to title to 2.3b i'm getting annoyed for checking all the time if its really 3.0.0 while it isnt.

    I really like the mod but calling the topic 3.0.0 while its 2.3b just annoyed me.

    I do not remember very well, but I think it was suggested by other users.

  2. Hey all just an update. We are going to refrain from pictures and show you all the progress when we finish our renovation. We are redoing ten truck the 2 engines and maybe the rescue to match the detail of the seagrave aerialscope. Also we will be re mapping and maybe some remodelling for ten house to finish it completely. Most of the new trucks will be being updated with high res textures and dyson is changing some things with the map texture. More updates will come in the next couple of days


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