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Everything posted by Emergenc17

  1. So I have been watching TheNorthernAlex videos a bit, and I noticed that the LA mods and LA Nostalgia mods seem to have this parking function, does anyone know if it's a seperate mod or included in a specific mod?
  2. Hello? Does anyone view this? I found the issue, the Steam version of Emergency 4 delux can't seem to have the LA mod installer work with the modinstaller.
  3. Hello, I have purchased the Emergency 4 Deluxe on the steam page, and used the LA Mod installer in the folder and directed the installer to install the folder into steamapps, but running the game shows me that the game does not recognize that I have installed the mod, how do I proceed? http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/monthly_2020_12/image.png.5f0971a8c1425183036e61c242ed7246.png http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/monthly_2020_12/image.thumb.png.cc4d5f44d34c9c3cc29a15a61c87e226.png
  4. Actually, it just give me like, no .exe or .rar file
  5. So, I have downloaded the mod on my computer, it's a windows 10, but when I try to open up the mod, it tells me "Access is Denied" Could someone explain why this is happening?
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