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Posts posted by lemon

  1. Progress:

    Ladder 1 90%

    New Engine 100%

    10 House 80%

    Res1cue 20%

    +many more units ;)

    Welcome Tower Ladder 1 to the family ;D




    New Yokeeeee



    Ahhh dyson these pictures are getting me so excited! Presumably you haven't got much to do? just finish off a few of the models and then focus on the map? bit more scripting? oh well it will be worth the wait!! Keep up the good work man!

  2. This doesn't mean that the new version is ready or will be released soon, but I just wanted to build up to the new version. hopefully get some interest back in the mod again. Progress is amazing, I'm not gonna give anything away but there should be some great changes coming up. I'm trying to make this half arsed mod a little more polished and perfect.



    It's good that you're a person who actually cares so much about their mod so much! I'm sure everyone would prefer a mod thats had a little bit more time and effort in to it. I have enjoyed the other versions of the mod although I didn't enjoy V2.3 as I always lose the bodies once I've put them in the dead-body bag :P

    Good luck and keep up the good work!!!!!

  3. I have downloaded the mod and it is in the mod installer and it opens up and says welcome to ERS berlin... etc etc ERS Berlin The modification has not been installed. downloadsize 587.59MB and then it has emergency 4 standard version. I tried the first one but when it gets to about 210MB done it crashes? help anyone?

  4. This was an excellent mod! up until the point where a fire broke out near some forrest's and 3 fire engines (10 firefighters) and 2 police cars (4 police officers with fire extinguishers ) could not physically put the fire out.

    How ever it was a brilliant mod just needs a bit of work done on it!

    -- On a side note

    When you spawn the top fire engine it comes out in a blue box thing, firefighters can still plug hoses in but it just doesn't look right

  5. A boat crash, A large boat such as a ferry boat collides with a pier which equals to lots of casualty' some Dead on scene and some critically injured.

    Hospital fire a large amount of burn victims and patients need to be put into ambulances and transferred.

    Missing people, a group of people go mountain climbing and get caught in a blizzard, find them and rush them to a hospital

    If you do create any of my idea' please just mention me somewhere its not a lot to ask.


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