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Everything posted by lemon

  1. Beta testing starts tomorrow! Wow I remember when this was a submod! You've come so far in such a short amount of time! Well done!
  2. Thanks, that's all I wanted to know. Love the new banner by the way, and I am just so ecstatic about when the mod will be released! I can't wait, it looks amazing!
  3. I was just curious, and I hate it when mods put a limit on how many vehicles you can have out.
  4. Dyson, are you able to call units off map? If yes how do I turn that off?
  5. I would love to help, but I have absolutely no idea how to make lights or anything like that!
  6. Dyson, will there be a limit on the number of vehicles aloud onto the map? if yes then could you tell me how to get rid of it, I hate that. Thanks Greg
  7. haha kinda off topic so I'll put this in a spoiler Law degree, how fancy! I'm planning on going to University and doing Medicine at Manchester University. Once I got my A Levels as well.
  8. Hey Dyson what are you planning to do as a career? Are you planning on going along the game making path or are you going to do something completely different?
  9. The mod will be released when it's released, Stop asking or 'Predicting' when you think it's going to be released.
  10. I would much rather you take your time then rush the mod and release it with so many bugs and glitches that I can't play it.
  11. My internet is so bad! If you gave me the download now in 2 weeks time it will still be downloading.
  12. Sorry, I'm English and I have no idea what time range Fall is in English terms. Could anybody help me?
  13. It looked fantastic before you made the changes, People are just being negative and finding every little thing that is wrong with it. Keep up the good work, You are doing an amazing job! (Y)
  14. I can't wait for this mod to come out! You've only got about 3 months of work left! I'm so excited! Just can't wait to play it!
  15. Nice ambulances? Are you mad! They are amazing! everything looks amazing! (Apart from the Tech guys logo, it looks a bit out of place)
  16. Holy sugar! This is amazing! I can't wait for this submod! Ahhh these picture's are getting me all excited!!!!!!
  17. They both sound incredible, I think you should make both!
  18. How about a hospital collapsing? Lot's of serious injured patients! people who were in surgery needing immediate transport ONLY by helicopter. Fire's breaking out everywhere! It would take along time to make all this so I wouldn't put it in V3.0 but a later one. If you got this perfect it would be an amazing mission!
  19. What about a Ferry boat crash? Lot's of victims fire, etc...
  20. How long you going on vacation, and have fun!
  21. Hey dyson could you leave us a list of what needs to be finished before you release it? Thanks Hey dyson could you leave us a list of what needs to be finished before you release it. thanks
  22. Wow this looks fantastic! Keep up the work, Team of the New York Submod
  23. What is in the New York Police Department kiosk thing? Is it like a mini police station?
  24. I'm just curious but how what programe do you use to make The world trade center's?
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