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Posts posted by RussianRescueR

  1. Was curious if there would be special troops of the MVD for situations that may not require deployment of an Alpha Group.

    You're right, for example use the Alpha Group for dispersal of demonstrations would be foolish. To disperse demonstrations in the USSR were involved Internal Troops of the MVD. (Vnutrenniye Voiska Ministerstva Vnutrennikh Del; abbreviated ?? ???, VV MVD) They are used to support and reinforce the Militsiya, deal with large-scale riots, internal armed conflicts, prison security (in USSR) and safeguarding of highly-important facilities (like nuclear power plants). As such, the force is involved in all conflicts and violent disturbances in the history of Soviet Union and modern Russia. They are equipped, trained and organized exactly as the regular troops of the Soviet Army, but in the Soviet Army, they were not included. Unlike the Army, the task of Internal Troops of the MVD USSR was to maintain constitutional order and public order within the country (in contrast to the army, which is designed to defend the country against external enemies). However, in the case of encroachment on the sovereignty of the state from outside (border armed conflict, aggression by another State), the internal forces are involved to repel aggression in conjunction with the army and border troops in the Soviet army.

  2. Love it! Was hoping you guys would include Alpha Group. Are there any plans to add MVD spetznas or SOBR? =]

    Thank you)

    SOBR is a modern Russian special forces unit formed in 1992 (USSR Disestablished 26 December 1991). In the USSR SOBR not exist. Incidentally, in 2002 SOBR was transformed into OMSN. (Otryad Milicii Special'nogo Naznacheniya - special police squad). Not to be confused with OMON. (Otryad Milicii Osobogo Naznacheniya)

    Spetsnaz MVD - a Group "Vityaz" of the MVD (otryad special'nogo naznacheniya "Vitjaz") - performed the same tasks as the Group "A" of the KGB. Sometimes it even worked side by side, for example: securing the Games of the XXII Olympiad in Moscow. The only difference in the departmental affiliation, because of this Group "A" of the KGB would be "more elite" So have In mod two of the identical special unit does not make sense.

  3. And will OMON or something be in?

    No, we decided not to add a OMON in mod, because it was founded only in 1988. Instead, in the mod will be add "gruppa "A" KGB SSSR" (Alpha Group KGB USSR - In present: "A" Directorate of the FSB Special Operations Center )

    Group "A" of the KGB was created July 29, 1974. The main objective of this special unit - the power operations to prevent acts of terrorism, hostage rescue, etc. In addition Alpha are attracted to other operations of the FSB special and high complexity, as well as acting in "hot spots", including Afganistan and Chechnya.



    The most well-known operations in the USSR:

    March 28, 1979 - Moscow, U.S. Embassy. - The release of hostages. As a result of the storming of the terrorist killed, hostages were not injured.

    December 27, 1979 - Kabul, Afghanistan. - Special Forces soldiers have been involved with the paratroopers to capture the strategically important sites located in different parts of the Afghan capital.

    July-August 1980 - Moscow. - Securing the Games of the XXII Olympiad in Moscow.

    18-19 December 1981 - Sarapul, Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. - Release of the hostages at a secondary school ? 12. As a result of the storming two terrorists killed. None of the hostages was injured.

    November 19, 1983 - Tbilisi. - The release of hostages seized in the Tu-134 A, follow the route Tbilisi - Leningrad. As a result of the storming a one terrorist killed, 6 terrorists captured. None of the hostages was injured.

    March 30-31, 1989 - Baku. - The release of hostages seized in the Tu-134 followed the route of flight Voronezh - Astrakhan - Azerbaijan. As a result of the storming terrorist rendered harmless. None of the hostages was injured.

    Considering the achievements and rich history in mod was added just this special unit.

    P.S: I beg you not to kick me for my english) Spasibo)) mail1.gif

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