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Posts posted by Marshall8946

  1. Just copy that model file and paste it with a different name. Open up the V3O in notepad and and change the name that it is linked to, into the images name you made. Then just change the model link in the editor and you'll be set!

    That model file is what is connecting the image and the model together.

    For the doors, unless the texture is the same as the other model, you'll have to redo them. Unless there is a way I'm unfamiliar with.

  2. I play with a few mods, but I try to keep it as basic as I can. My computer cant handle much either. I have one mod that allows me to just do traffic stops, a few building mods, and just replaced the police cars and fire engine, with ELM too and a couple weapon replacements and one CJ uniform mod. That pretty much sums it up!

  3. Drunk driving is also a great one! That one will take some planning but should be able to be done! It may replace the stolen vehicle...

    Anyone who wishes to volunteer their voice will be doing a variety of different calls. Here are some that I need people for:(these are listed as the event names)

    Fire: Flash Strike, Cigarette fire, car fire.

    Police: Shoplifting, stolen vehicle/drunk driving, traffic light failure, fight, bomber, hostage situation, arson, demonstration, robbery, pick pocketing, suicide-drowning-track-window, random shooting.

    Ravenna only has so many things that go on here. It would be near impossible to get the actual recordings of even half of these.

  4. How about this as a idea. A 911 hang up call and have it to a random call like a medical or a police dispute.

    Thank you! I will be editing the dispatch and showing a few examples pretty soon. Anyone who would like to volunteer their voice would be great! Just PM me for details!

    what about a boating accident? The victims would be in the water and the boats would end up sinking?

    I will be doing something with an accident in water, but the boats may be an issue since they cant be towed away.. I will for sure look into it though!

    Thank you everyone! All ideas will be looked into and keep them coming!

  5. Okay, looking at the ideas so far. I like a lot of them!

    • A real murder does sound good, but Ill look into that since its at random like fires.
    • Random vehicle spawn is very much possible! I will for sure take a deeper look into that.
    • The two competing riots is a good idea, but script work is involved and that is out of my knowledge.
    • Same with the warrant. Id LOVE to add a situation like that, but the script work is a pain!
    • The hostage situation is a great idea and I will experiment with that. As for the boat, that is something I can do and I will check that out.
    • Although Ravenna does not border a lake and is a good distance from water. The in game map is the original with the water on the edges...Ive been looking into getting rid of the water, but it has been causing a strange crash. Even when everything dealing with the water has been removed.
    • The deer is good! There will be animals like the more wooded areas! The current map does not have enough room for any big or major woodland or park areas. The random dogs walking around on the streets will be taken out.
    • The airplane crash is already being taken into the game. Ive been experimenting around with adding a crash like that. A real plane crash did happen (I believe last year), but it was a small trainer plane. It happened in the field across from our new high school.
    • The escaped animals will be looked into, but will take some script work. Like TprHardy said, a similar event did happen in Ohio not to long ago.
    • Domestic, is an amazing idea that has been being tried into a few other mods I heard. I will surely look into it since its such a popular request!

    Thank you everyone and keep the ideas coming. Although not every idea can be put into the game, I will try to get as many as I can without overdoing it.

  6. I have the Gamefly version of EM 4. It doesnt come with the Mod Installer or an Editor. How can I install this mod?

    Heres an idea that I did before. Like Zach said, If its EXE, when installing select the path to a private folder. Then take those files and copy and paste them like you would with a 'plain filed' mod. If its '.e4mod' then yes, you need the installer without question. If cant find it in the EM4/911FR folders, go to the windows icon on the bottom left of the screen. Type in a search of 'mod installer'. If nothing comes up for EM4 or 911 FR message gamefly support.

  7. Hey guys, most of you know, I like a lot of realism. But I love to mix in fictional stuff as well. This makes the game more interesting (at least to me). So with that, what are some of your ideas that you would like to see mixed in with the game? It can be events, small details, models, etc. Keep it real though, nothing like polar bears attacking the city!

    Also, if you want to see the latest updates with pictures, please check out the FB page! Ill try to keep as many updates on there as possible so the forum does not get flooded with the smaller updates.

    On a finial note, most of the map work has been redone. The small beach and farm area has been taken out. The game had a major CTD that was caused by those map edits. But in replacement, the hospital now has a parking lot! Pictures are on FB. I don't remember saying this before, but in case I didn't I will say it again. Any areas with major construction, will be replaced on the first update in the following weeks of the initial release. Adding a more dynamic feel. It could range from having another fire station down to just a new shop.

  8. Hey guys, since you dont get to see too much now that the major things have died down. Heres a little something to show what has been worked on.

    Ive just been updating little things like the textures on the vehicles and so on. Heres the updated version of the ladder.

    *The pictures will come out more blurry than the actual model*






  9. Okay, now that I'm back..I can see everyone had fun while I was away. As said, a video will be out later on the extra units packs lighting. Keep in mind, nothing is finial at the moment and ideas are still being taken into consideration. Stevenew has went ahead and created the video, but Ill be editing it up. Keep watching this post for the video to be edited into it.

    Sorry, the video wasn't done in time and should be (dont quote me) ready by tomorrow after noon.

    On another note:

    Keep in mind that most of the items within this submod do not have permission to be released, Which is the main reason the submod is taking so long to get out. But with that also comes the level of 'strictness' being watched on this topic. So if another outburst happens again, Im not sure this topic will stay open much longer. As it is already a pain in the aXX trying to show the creators of the blocked content that it is being put to good worth and their work is being respected. Thank you guys for clearing everything up and working everything out. Although on a finial note, no one is to blame here but me. WIP was not in the topic at the time; but is now.

    Thank you, and don't forget to check back later (maybe around 7-8pm EST) tomorrow on this post for the video. Although its nothing big, its simply something to show at the moment.

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